Bank DKI's Communication And Digital Synergy Consistency Achieves The Top Digital PR Award 2023

JAKARTA - Bank DKI has again won a prestigious award in the field of Public Relations (PR) as a 'Top Digital PR Special Achievement for BUMD'. This award was given by Infoekonomy.ID media and digital research and consulting firm Tras N Co.

Directly received by the President Director of Bank DKI, Fidri Arnaldy, at the 3rd Indonesia Top Digital PR Award 2023 which was held online on Wednesday, May 31, Bank DKI managed to record the highest score (97.41) in the BUMD category, which made this achievement even more proud.

The 3rd Indonesia Top Digital PR Award 2023 is a form of appreciation by Infoekonomy.ID and Tras N Co to State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and subsidiaries, as well as Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) which are considered successful in managing and utilizing Digital PR in communicating, as well as establishing engagement with consumers and the public to create positive perceptions of products and companies.

Some of the assessment criteria used include various digital parameters, namely Digital Media Aspect, Digital Sentiment Aspect, and Digital Awareness Aspect.

Fidri Arnaldy expressed his gratitude for this recognition, and emphasized that the positive performance achieved by Bank DKI did not necessarily make the positive image of the company in the public sphere even more flashy, but behind it there were public relations efforts that became the spearhead in building perceptions.

"The open, constructive and proportional communication process in conveying the right information regarding step by step to business achievement, plays a strategic role in supporting the Company's positive image. Especially in the digital era, Bank DKI is required to be adaptive to the communication trend that has undergone significant changes with the emergence of various new technologies and communication platforms," said Fidri, in his statement, Sunday, June 4.

Fidri further added that the digital public relationship trend provides an unlimited opportunity to interact directly and in real time.

"Bank DKI commitments support digital transformation and innovation in all lines, including to meet the needs of the community so that they can transact easily, safely, comfortably, anytime and anywhere with the choice of digital applications owned by Bank DKI, including JakOne Mobile and JakOne Pay," added Fidri.

Infoekonomy.ID CEO, Arief Munajad, in his speech said that Digital PR is an integration between PR and digital marketing based on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This award is given to state-owned enterprises (BUMN), subsidiaries, and Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) who have succeeded in using Digital PR in communicating effectively and establishing engagement with consumers and the public to create positive perceptions of products and companies.

In the event, Public Relations expert, Hifni Alifahmi, also conveyed the importance of choosing the right communication channel and utilizing the convergence of communication media as a golden momentum in conveying meaningful and inspiring messages. He also highlighted the omni channel/metaverse phenomenon and human machine interface as an important aspect in future organizational communication strategies.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary, Arie Rinaldi added to introduce products and services as well as various corporate actions carried out by Bank DKI to the wider community, Bank DKI optimizes synergies and collaborations with the mass media, as well as using several digital media platforms such as social media and online mass media as a means of publication being carried out.

"Digitalization in various fields is also continuously promoted in line with the implementation of the Company's transformation by presenting reliable digital banking solutions, such as JakOne Mobile super apps, JakOne Pay simple apps, as well as JakOne Abank and other services such as Cash Management System, as well as applications for online credit and financing through KMG e-forms and the development of digital lending applications," said Arie.

"In the event that non-cash transaction services use cards, Bank DKI continues to expand JakCard's acceptance, which functions as an electronic money card in various modes of transportation for DKI Jakarta, entrance tickets for a number of museums, to transactions at various merchants in collaboration with Bank DKI," concluded Arie.