Officers At Bhayangkara Hospital Kediri Autopsy The Bodies Of Retired TNI

BLITAR - Officers from Bhayangkara Kediri Hospital, assisted by the Blitar Police, East Java, conducted an autopsy on the body of a retired TNI in Rejowinangun Village, Kademangan, Blitar Regency.

West Lodoyo Police Chief Iptu Dwi Purwanto said an autopsy at the request of the deceased's family. Autopsy to determine the exact cause of death of the victim.

"For the suspicion, there is no and at this time it has not led to a criminal act. Currently, the autopsy process is still in progress from Bhayangkara Hospital," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 30.

The autopsy process with the demolition of the victim's grave. The medical team from Bhayangkara Hospital Kediri also went directly to the location to conduct an autopsy on the body.

Head of Rejowinangun Village Bagas Wigasto revealed the demolition of this tomb after a request from the victim's child who was in Papua. The victim is known to have died on May 8, 2023.

The findings began with a report from the victim's neighbor who had not seen the victim for 2 days. After checking, it turned out that the person concerned had died.

"At that time, the victim's condition had swollen and bleeding from his nose. After that, a deliberation was held, there were representatives of the family as well. We from the village have offered to report to the authorities with the aim of identifying what kind of death it was," he said.

At that time, he said, the family decided not to report and accept the victim's death. The victim's family was also immediately contacted, including their child in Papua. However, at that time it could not be connected. The family then decided to bury the victim's body.

After later, the victim's child in Papua wanted to know the exact cause of his father's death, so he decided to make a police report and asked for an autopsy.

"After a few days from the funeral, his son who was in Papua, whose father died when he was contacted by his family, could not, finally he reported it to the authorities, so an autopsy was carried out," he said.

The initial demolition was carried out by residents at the request of the officers. There have also been tents for an autopsy at the location.

After the autopsy was completed, the body was then buried again. Officers are also still examining the autopsy results to be used as material for examining the death of the retired TNI.