BRI Records MSME Loans Reaching IDR 9989.6 Trillion

JAKARTA PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) managed to record credit growth in the MSME sector.

BRI noted that in the first quarter of 2023, the MSME segment's lending was recorded at Rp989.6 trillion, so that BRI's MSME loan portion had reached 83.86 percent.

"This value increased compared to the same period last year of Rp903.3 trillion," said BRI's Director of Small and Medium Enterprises Amam Sukriyanto in a statement to the media, Monday, May 29.

Meanwhile, BRI's total credit until the first quarter of 2023 has reached Rp1,180.1 trillion, up from BRI's total credit portfolio in the same period last year reaching Rp1,075.9 trillion.

He explained that BRI's credit growth was supported by the micro segment with growth reaching 11.18 percent yoy. Growth in the MSME segment was followed by consolidated profit growth (BRI Group) of 27.37 percent year on year (yoy) to Rp15.56 trillion. The BRI Group's assets grew 10.46 percent yoy to Rp1,822.97 trillion.

He said BRI's positive performance was inseparable from the growth in MSME lending. In the distribution of MSME loans, the company prioritizes empowerment which directly helps and encourages the improvement of the capabilities of these business actors.

For this reason, BRI also continues to spur the portion of MSME loans. The portion of BRI MSME segment credit has reached 83.86 percent of BRI's total credit or equivalent to Rp989.64 trillion. The target is to reach 85 percent by 2024.

"We are optimistic that BRI's performance will be better in 2023 with credit projected to grow at the level of 10 percent-12 percent. This growth is mainly driven by the MSME segment," said Amam.

Related to this, member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission XI Puteri Komarudin said, MSMEs are the main engine for the national economy. Therefore, access to financing for MSMEs must be opened as wide as possible in order to create new jobs and jobs. Puteri assessed that the empowerment of MSMEs in the role of banks is very important.

"Currently only BRI is recorded as focusing on working on MSME loans and has succeeded in channeling financing in a very large portion. As a bank for small people, we hope that BRI will always consistently provide capital support for MSME actors," he said.

BRI, said Puteri, also needs to be encouraged to be able to accelerate the MSME business so that it can advance to class. This can be achieved if BRI consistently provides assistance to customers in product development to digitalization.

Puteri sees the role of the banking sector such as BRI as very important to economic progress, especially related to capital for MSMEs, which is very vital.

"What is no less important is that the banking sector also empowers MSMEs through capacity building and market reach," concluded Puteri.