The Mode Of Suspects Of TIP Dozens Of Indonesian Citizens To Myanmar, Big Salaries To Chinese Language Contracts
The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police revealed the modus operandi of suspects in the criminal case of trafficking in persons (TPPO) in tricking 25 Indonesian citizens (WNI) until they were finally sent illegally to Myanmar. They are said to be luring them with high salaries and handing them a work contract in Chinese.
"The victims were promised as marketing operators online with salaries ranging from 12 million to 15 million and there is a commission if they reach the target," said Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandani Rahardjo Puro to reporters, Tuesday, May 16.
Then, the suspects also offered dozens of victims with working hours for 12 hours per day. Even though it was difficult, they were promised convenience if they wanted to return to Indonesia with a period of every 6 months.
However, the victims did not know the job offered. This is because the work contracts offered by the suspects use Chinese so that they are not understood.
"The victims were exploited by a work contract but in Chinese and were not understood by the victim. The victim was employed at an online scam company owned by a Chinese citizen," he said.
In fact, after departing, the victims were immediately tortured. They are placed in a closed room guarded by armed people. Then, forced to continue working for a dozen hours more than when the suspect was offered.
kemudian ditempatkan di salah satu tempat tertutup dan dijaga oleh orang-orang bersenjata. Para korban ini bekerja selama dari pukul 20.00 sampai dengan 14.00 selama 16 sampai 18 jam, kata Djuhandani.
For information, Bareskrim Polri arrested two suspects in the TIP case who sent dozens of Indonesian citizens to Myanmar. They are Anita Setia Dewi and Andri Satria Nugraha.
Both were arrested in an apartment unit in Bekasi, West Java, Tuesday, May 9, evening.
Along with the development process, investigators found another perpetrator with the initials ER. Currently, he is still being hunted.
In this case, the two suspects were charged with Article 4 of Law (UU) Number 21 of 2007 concerning TIP and/or Article 81 of Law Number 18 of 2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI).