Is Fixing The Quality Of A Diet That Is Healthy For The Heart? According To Research: Get A Fragrance

YOGYAKARTA This fruit rich in water, turns out to contain a lot of nutrients. Including potassium, vitamin C, and magnesium. These fresh fruit are also antioxidants from lycopene and l-citrulline compounds. Well, based on research, it shows that watermelons are beneficial for improving the quality of your diet and maintaining cardiomethabolic health.
Many studies prove with supplementary properties and watermelon extract. But few researches about the benefits of consuming fresh watermelons. Two studies below prove that crude watermelons improve dietary guidelines and prevention strategies for cardiomethabolic health.
The first study found that children and adults who consume watermelons have a higher intake of nutrients including food fiber, magnesium, and potassium than people who don't eat watermelons. They also have additional sugar intake and lower saturated fatty acids.
A watermelon consumer, according to John A. Galat, a heart surgeon reported by Medical News Today, Friday, May 12, may have a healthier diet. This study analyzed data from 56,133 people from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Data between 2003-2018 was compiled and included individual diets aged 2-118 years for 24 hours. The average consumption of watermelons in adults and children is around 125-162 grams per day.
About 98 participants consume fresh watermelons while 2 percent drink watermelon juice. From the results of the researchers' analysis, it estimates that all nutritional intake between consumers and non-consumer watermelons. Other factors for accurate findings are also considered, such as physical activity, poverty income ratio, smoking status, and alcohol intake. In the end, researchers found that watermelon consumers have a 5 percent higher nutritional intake, including dietary fiber, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin A.
The researchers also noted that consuming watermelons can be attributed to compliance with overall diet recommendations. Michelle Pearlman, co-founder of the Prime Institute and a certified nutritionist and nutritionist, although not being involved in the study confirmed the benefits of consumption of watermelons and other fresh fruits. He said those who eat watermelons and other fruits tend to eat less processed foods.
The second study, researchers are trying to understand more about the biological mechanisms that underlie the benefits of watermelons. The rich spots of L-citrulline and L-arginine, this serves to facilitate the function of blood vessels and microvascular blood flow. The good effect, drinking an additional sugarless watermelon juice for two weeks every day 500 milliliters, can protect heart rate variability (HRV).
Doctor Kelly Johnson-Arbor added that further research is needed to explore and prove the valid benefits of watermelons lowering cardiovascular risk. But it's a good idea, watermelons are high in water, fiber, and low indices of glycemics. So there's nothing wrong with including watermelons in your diet menu.