Procedures For Managing SHGB For Those Who Want To Buy A New Home
YOGYAKARTA - In the property world, there is the term SHGB or Building Use Rights Certificate. SHGB is a document that is proof of ownership of the right to use buildings on land that does not belong to it. Therefore, when you are going to buy a house or apartment, you need to understand and know how to manage SHGB.
If you intend to buy a house, make sure to first check the certificate and other documents. One of the certificates that you must check is SHGB. It is important for you to take this step to prevent problems in the future regarding certificate matters and land ownership rights.
A person holding the SHGB does not have the status of a land owner. So the house is built on someone else's land or the one holding the SHM (behavior certificate). The owner of the SHGB must extend the certificate when the validity period is over. So how do you manage the SHGB?
SHGB owners can use their buildings on other people's land within a certain period of time. So if the validity period of the land loan has run out, then you need to extend the SHGB. If you want to get a SHGB or extend it, here's how.
The first step you need to take when you want to make a SHGB is to prepare the required documents. For individual registrants, the required documents are: photocopy of your identity, certificate, girik, kavling letters, proof of the release of land and land or land purchased, PPATK, deed of release of rights, measuring documents, court decisions, IMB and images of the situation.
In addition, you also need to prepare a petitioner's letter regarding the number of fields, area, and land status owned by the applicant. For the legal entity, also prepare a photocopy of the deed and a copy of the appointment decision letter.
If the documents are complete, then submit a written application. The application is addressed to the authorities, including the Head of the Land Office/Head of the BPN Regional Office/Head of BPN. Then the authorities will check the completeness of the file or documents that you submit.
You will also receive a letter of receipt of the application file according to the form that has been filled out. Next you will just have to pay the payment fee for the application.
The authorities will examine the completeness and correctness of the juridical data and physical data of the HGB application. The examination is carried out to see if the application can be processed further in accordance with the provisions of the law.
The authorities will assign the Head of the Land Rights Section to examine the application for land rights that have been registered. In addition, the officer will check the juridical data and physical data that are sufficient to make a decision as outlined in the minutes of land inspection. If the data is incomplete, the applicant is asked to complete it.
Based on the consideration of the Head of the Land Rights Section, the authorized official will issue a decree granting HGB to land. If the decision is rejected, it will be accompanied by the reason.
Applicants are required to pay income after the decision letter given by HGB is received.
Furthermore, HGB will be recorded in a land book, based on existing rights evidence such as girik, PPAT, and others. The land book was signed by the Head of the Land Office.
In accordance with Article 31 of Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997, a certificate for Building Use Rights will be issued which has been registered in the land book.
Furthermore, the Head of the Land Office will sign a certificate.
Demikianlah tata cara mengurus SHGB (certifikat hak guna bangunan) bagi Anda yang ingin membeli rumah baru atau memperpanjang masa berlakukan sertifikat. Biaya perpanjangan SHGB yakni formulanya: jangka waktu perpanjangan HGB yang diberikan dibagi 30 tahun dikalikan 1%.
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