Chat Commerce Solution Provider Startup, Mimin Announces Initial Funding From Otto Digital
JAKARTA - Mimin, an Indonesian startup providing chat commerce solutions and virtual assistants for business operations, announced the initial stage funding (seed) from Otto Digital on Friday, May 5.
This funding will be used by Mimin to serve MSMEs and online sellers with the latest products and features, as well as strengthen technology infrastructure and order management software.
This is in line with the landscape of the buying and selling industry in Indonesia, where social commerce (s shopping transactions using social media and chat applications) is estimated to grow by 17.9 percent per year from 2022-2028.
According to Populix's 2022 research, 86 percent of Indonesians have shopped through social media and chat applications, such as TikTok Shop (45 percent), WhatsApp (21 percent), Facebook (10 percent) and Instagram (10 percent).
The increase in trend shows that the majority of online sellers in Indonesia have various sales channels. Not only opening online stores on e-commerce platforms, many sellers are focused on promoting their sales through social media and chat applications.
To manage social commerce sales, the average seller relies on recording orders, checking postages, and receiving payments manually. This manual process tends to take time and is vulnerable to the risk of human error.
Mimin offers automation of chat commerce and order management platforms so that business people can more easily run their stores. Through Mimin, sellers can easily input orders from orders that have been written via WhatsApp on the Mimin application and automatically provide invoices and payment confirmations.
With this solution, business actors can process orders 70 percent faster and accurately. Not only that, every buyer who has made a transaction can easily be re-reconnected to be given a more personal and relevant offer.
"Mimin is here to help online sellers by making it easier to process each order through automatic solutions, so that sellers can save time and energy, and develop their business further. We also provide relevant insights for business actors so that they can innovate based on this insight," said Joseph Simbar, CEO of Mimin in a written statement received in Jakarta.
Currently, the Mimin application has been used by MSMEs in 20 provinces and 55 cities in Indonesia engaged in various industries, especially home-made F&B, fashion, and daily necessities.
More than that, Mimin also provides Mimin Pro services, to serve retail companies on a larger scale, where sellers can easily process orders that come via chat, then delegate the completion of the transaction to the nearest branch.
"We believe that Mimin provides relevant solutions for Indonesian MSMEs and will greatly assist business actors in increasing the efficiency of using WhatsApp as a means of sale. This investment is in line with Otto Digital's vision of building the economy by empowering the community and expanding economic growth to rural areas," saidUS Hamdani, CEO of Otto Digital.