Getting To Know 6 Causes Of Dry Rights And How To Overcome Them
YOGYAKARTA Many factors cause the throat to dry out. Because it is related to the right way to treat it, it is important to identify the trigger.
Dry throat can be caused by seasonal allergies. If it is caused by this allergy, home remedies can often be relied on to reduce symptoms. Apart from the season, the big cause is mild. But there may be more serious conditions. Here, the causes of dry throats and home remedies that can be done.
Hayever is followed by fever that causes a dry throat. The allergy of Hayever, experienced about 30-40 percent of the entire population triggered bytergarten, grass, dust mites, pet fur, and certain foods.
Natural drugs that can help relieve and calm, including ginger, garlic that is antihistamine and antioxidant, as well as onions that contain quercetin. If it doesn't stop with natural treatment, launch Medical News Today, Monday, May 1, you can get an anti-histamine prescription after checking with a doctor.
Breath through the mouth while sleeping can be caused by nasal congestion. So that the throat feels dry because saliva evaporates, dry, and requires treatment. In order to help breathing through the nose even though it is blocked due to a cold, it can be done with nasal dekongestant, anti-histamine, and corticosteroid nasal spray.
The only way to cure dehydration is by rehydrating or drinking more fluid. That way, the dry throat subsides, does not feel tired, urination increases with brighter colors. During the day, you need to get enough fluids to stay hydrated.
The next cause of dry throat is runny colds and common colds. Treatment that can be done at home, by drinking lots of mineral water and drinking juice or lemon water to stay hydrated. In addition, get enough rest which helps the body recover faster. Furthermore, it can be relaxed by gargling in ordinary water or salt water, using dekongestan drops, and breathing moist air to relieve nasal congestion and sore throats.
Rising stomach acid also makes the throat feel dry and bitter. Medical care and lifestyle need to be improved if you experience it frequently. In addition, drugs such as antation may help neutralize stomach acid.
Related to your lifestyle, it affects how you maintain a healthy body weight. Experts also recommend wearing loose clothes to reduce stomach pressure, eat a few portions but often, avoid smoking, and avoid consuming spicy, fatty, and high caffeinated foods.
Not all sore throats are due to inflammation. But if you have inflammation, you need to see a doctor because you need a prescription for treatment such as antibiotics to treat sore throat inflammation due to bacterial infection. Symptoms of sore throat inflammation include swelling ambide, fever, swelling of lymph nodes in the neck, rashes, nausea and vomiting, and a sore body.
The above are six causes of dry throats and recommendations to treat them both naturally and naturally with a doctor's prescription. However, it is important to know that if you have difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath, skin rash, chest pain, extreme fatigue, followed by high fever of up to 38.3 degrees Celsius, you must immediately see a doctor.