Useful For Reducing Pain, Follow 5 Breathing Techniques For Relaxation

YOGYAKARTA Have you ever held your breath when you were going to be injected or when you were holding back the pain? Breathe, often just flows without realizing it. But it turns out, holding your breath actually makes the pain increase. It can even make the body tense and stressed.

Breathe with a certain technique, it can help you relax and reduce pain. With a long breath technique, one of which, muscles and the nervous system relax. Well, if your muscles are tense, you may need to do 15-20 minutes of breathing exercise to feel relaxation. Here's the method recommended by Jennifer Caspari, Ph.D., licensed clinical psychologist reported by Psychology Today.

The first breathing technique, starting by pulling and breathing slowly. Imagine breathing is ocean waves that slowly go to the beach and recede and then return to the sea. This first technique can be done in 2-5 minutes or adjusted to your needs.

Acting through the nose alone can help. Most importantly, recognize the rhythm and breathe more slowly. This will help relieve stress and relaxation. So, try to practice covering your mouth and living and breathing from the nose.

After taking a breath, exhale with a longer count. By doing this exercise, it will help the nervous system more slowly so that it relaxes and calms.

You certainly recognize the breathing of the diaphragm, which is the most soothing center of breath. This is because the stomach's breathing stimulates the vagus nerve that activates relaxation response, lowers heart rate, and blood pressure and lowers stress.

To practice, take a sitting position or lie down. Place one hand on the chest and the other hand on the stomach. Breathe slowly through the nose, movement comes from the stomach and when you breathe your stomach will rise as if a balloon is filled with air. When you breathe slowly, your stomach will deflate.

You can do breathing techniques for relaxation and relieve the above pain in a short time. But longer exercises will be significant. Caspari's message, do this breathing exercise consistently.

One of the quick ways to practice the above breathing technique is to do it several times a day. With just three to five rounds, it will help you get used to a more calming, relaxing, and pain relief style.