Investigation Of Alleged Corruption In The Construction Of Mangrove Towers In Langsa Aceh Which Disbursed Billions Of Rupiah Budget Stopped

ACEH - The Aceh High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has stopped investigating allegations of corruption in the construction of towers in the Langsa City mangrove forest area.

Head of Legal Information and Public Relations of the Aceh Attorney General's Office, Ali Rasab Lubis, said that the termination of the investigation was because there was no strong evidence of alleged corruption in the construction of the tower that spent the billions of rupiah.

"The termination of the investigation after the investigating prosecutor found no evidence of his alleged crime. The termination of this investigation has also been exposed together with the head of the prosecutor's office," he said in Banda Aceh, Tuesday, April 11, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to him, even though the investigation of the case was stopped, investigations into alleged corruption in the construction of towers in mangroves or mangroves could be reopened at any time.

"Investigation of the case can be reopened if information or data is found as preliminary evidence. We hope that the public respects the legal decision," he said.

The tower in the Langsa City mangrove forest was inaugurated by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno in April 2022. The tower is able to accommodate 100 visitors.

The tower with a height of 45 meters was built in stages. The 2019 budget year with an allocation of IDR 12.4 billion, in 2020 the budget allocation reached IDR 14.6 billion, and in 2021 it was IDR 5.7 billion.

Previously, Assistant for Special Crimes at the Aceh Attorney General's Office R Raharjo Yusuf Wibisono said the investigation into indications of corruption in the construction of towers in the Langsa City mangrove forest was based on public reports.

"There are people who report to us indications of corruption in the construction of mangrove forest towers in Langsa City. Reports are still in general," he said.

Based on the report, he said, Aceh Attorney General's Office investigators began an investigation and immediately summoned the parties related to the construction of the tower.

"The related parties being questioned include planners, technical activity implementing officials, commitment-making officials, budget user power, and implementers," he said.

He said his party had not been able to convey details of indications of corruption because they had not asked for information from the parties. This is because what the public reports is allegations of irregularities in general.

"So, wait for the results of the investigation. If the investigation is found and supported by evidence, of course we will increase it to an investigation. If not, of course the handling will be stopped," said R Raharjo.