Searching The WBP Room Of Padang Prison, Joint Officers Did Not Find Drugs

On Friday night, March 17, at around 20.30 WIB, joint officers consisting of various related agencies conducted a search of the residential rooms of Class II A prison inmates (WBP) Muaro Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra).

Joint officers consist of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) West Sumatra (West Sumatra), the Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) West Sumatra, Kodim 0312 Padang, Padang Police, and Padang Prison.

"The search was carried out tonight to anticipate the circulation of prohibited items in Padang Prison," said Head of the Correctional Division of the West Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Office M Ali Syah Banna, after the search in Padang, Friday, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, March 18.

Ali also said that the sudden search was aimed at eradicating the circulation of prohibited goods in prison, in commemoration of the 2023 Correctional Bhakti Day (HBP).

Ali added that the search was carried out by officers by combing rooms in three Padang prison blocks inhabited by hundreds of inmates.

"During the ongoing inspection, we removed the inmates from their residential rooms to be collected in the field, Alhamdulillah, the activities were running conducively," he explained.

Ali also said that during this search, joint officers did not find drugs, except for confiscating other prohibited items in the form of gadgets, chargers, headsets, and cables.

In addition, dozens of matches, scissors, belts, playing cards and jockeys, batteries, and several perfume bottles were also confiscated.

"The goods were immediately confiscated by officers to be destroyed which was witnessed directly by the TNI apparatus and the Police involved in the activity," he said.

On that occasion, the inmates in prison also received directions from the Head of the Correctional Division of the West Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the TNI so that the WBP would repent and change itself.

Meanwhile, the Head of Padang Prison Era Wiharto revealed that the results of the search would be an evaluation material for his party to develop around 900 inmates in the prison.

"So far, we have continued to maximize supervision amidst limited facilities and infrastructure, this result is certainly an evaluation," he said.

He also emphasized that his party would carry out an internal process to find out indications of the involvement of unscrupulous employees to enter prohibited items into the prison.

"If there are individuals involved, we will definitely take firm action, and throughout 2022 until now there are at least six employees being prosecuted," he explained.