Ma'ruf Amin Reminds Political Parties Not To Use Politic Of Identity To Win Victory

JAKARTA - Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin reminded all political parties not to use any means to achieve victory, such as identity politics, hate speech, and polarization. He conveyed this so that there would be no division of the Indonesian nation.

"Requesting political parties to use the right methods, yes, don't use methods that can cause divisions and don't justify all methods to win," Ma'ruf Amin told reporters at the Astor Ballroom, South Jakarta, Monday, March 13th.

Ma'ruf also warned not to use religion or education as a tool for political material. Therefore, he asked related parties to continue to carry out socialization or national dialogue, both national and regional.

"I think it's been there, it's been seen, for example, there was a mosque used as a campaign site, that's one of the indications that if it's not immediately prevented, then places of worship, places of education will become campaign sites, then Islamic boarding schools will become campaign sites,” he said.

"This is what I think has been prevented so far, and continues to be carried out, including in the national dialogue which continues to be carried out both nationally and at the regional level. Provinces and city districts," he continued.

Apart from that, the number two person in Indonesia also asked the public not to be easily influenced by issues that are not necessarily true.

"So that the community itself is not provoked by issues that might arise, issues of hoaxes, slander, which divide the nation," he concluded.