Exclusive, Prima Party Chairman, Agus Jabo Priyono, Was Surprised His Lawsuit Was Granted

The lawsuit filed by the Just Prosperous People Party or Prima Party against the General Election Commission (KPU) at the Central Jakarta District Court was granted. The whole country was shocked because there was a verdict regarding the postponement of the 2024 elections. According to the general chairman of the Prima Party, Agus Jabo Priyono, he and his members were also surprised that their lawsuit had been granted. Then what is the purpose of them suing?


Elections are the target of all politicians and political parties. It is through this event that their legality as politicians who will fight in the legislature is determined. When a political party cannot participate in elections, the hope of fighting through the legislature is dashed.

This is what the Prima Party is trying to do to restore political rights and be able to take part in the 2024 elections. But what can Agus Jabo Priyono say, efforts through the KPU, Bawaslu, and Administrative Court are all nil. That's why they took another path. The Prima Party is suing the KPU for allegedly committing an unlawful act to the Central Jakarta District Court.

"We just want the political rights of the Prima Party to be returned, we want to take part in the 2024 elections. And the KPU has been found guilty, and declared to have committed an unlawful act. The KPU should facilitate people's political participation, not hinder it. What is this? There was deliberate intent by elements at the KPU or there was political intervention from certain parties," said Agus Jabo Priyono, denying that their action was sponsored by a movement that wanted the 2024 election to be postponed.

After being processed, the Prima Party's lawsuit numbered 757/Pdt.G/2022/PN Jkt.Pst was granted. The verdict of the judges at the Central Jakarta District Court was: in the exception, rejecting the defendant's exception regarding the plaintiff's lawsuit being vague/obscure (obscuur libel).

Meanwhile in the Main Case; 1. Accept the plaintiff's lawsuit in its entirety; 2. Declare that Plaintiff is a political party that has suffered losses in administrative verification by Defendant; 3. Declare that Defendant has committed an unlawful act; 4. Ordering Defendant to pay material compensation of IDR 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiah) to Plaintiff; 5. Punish the Defendant not to carry out the remaining stages of the 2024 General Election since this decision was pronounced and carry out the General Election stages from the beginning for approximately 2 (two) years 4 (four) months 7 (seven) days; 6. Declare that the decision, in this case, can be executed immediately (uitvoerbaar bij voorraad); 7. Determined that the cost of the case be charged to the Defendant in the amount of IDR 410,000.00 (four hundred and ten thousand rupiah).

Upon this decision, there was excitement and rejection from political figures, political experts, and political observers. “You are welcome to give your opinion, but because we are a legal nation, all parties must be adults. Respect the legal decision of the Central Jakarta District Court. If deemed wrong, take legal action. Don't be prejudiced and accuse here and there," said Agus Jabo Priyono to Iqbal Irsyad, Edy Suherli, Savic Rabos, and Irfan Medianto from VOI who met him at the Prima Party headquarters, Rawasari Cempaka Putih area, Central Jakarta, recently. Here is the excerpt.

According to the general chairman of the Prima Party, Agus Jabo Priyono, they are trying to restore political rights. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga VOI)

What is the basis for the Prima party filing a lawsuit against the KPU to the Central Jakarta District Court and why to the Central Jakarta District Court and not to the Administrative Court?

First, this is a very long process, why we filed a lawsuit at the Central Jakarta District Court. This is all because our political rights as election contestants have been castrated by the KPU. Second, after going to Bawaslu and PTUN, we tried to find a way to participate in elections and return to political rights. Then we filed a lawsuit against the law by the KPU to the Central Jakarta District Court. So it's not an election dispute. This has been misunderstood a lot, we know that the PN does not have the competence to resolve election disputes.

What is the KPU's record that has resulted in Prima being declared unable to participate in the 2024 elections?

When registering at the KPU, it is done online. All data is entered 100 percent. Suddenly our data is lost by 97 percent. Where does the 3 percent go? We asked the KPU, but there was no concrete answer about this. Then enter the civil service in repair, and Prima passes. When our administrative verification was declared TMS (did not meet the requirements). Then we appealed to Bawaslu, with the acceptance means that the KPU is guilty. Based on Bawaslu's decision, we are asked to improve administration once every 24 hours. It wasn't fulfilled because, because of that we went to Bawaslu again but were refused. Then we went to the Administrative Court and were also rejected because they were deemed to have no legal standing. Because that's how we go to seek justice. That's the background of why we sued.

What was the impact after Prima was declared by the KPU not to participate in the election?

Many of our members quit and moved to other parties. Because they are hopeless. In several areas, DPD Prima fell. Mentally my friends fell with the KPU decision which stated that they could not participate in the election.

Then sued the Central Jakarta District Court, what was the target at that time?

We just want the political rights of the Prima Party to be returned, we want to take part in the 2024 election. And the KPU has been found guilty, and declared to have committed an unlawful act. The KPU should facilitate people's political participation, not hinder it. What is this? There was deliberate intent by elements at the KPU or there was political intervention from certain parties.

At that time, what were your expectations and that of Prima's friends?

We really want our political rights to be restored and to take part in elections. Our expectations are not too high. It turns out that our lawsuit was granted. We are frankly surprised by the Central Jakarta District Court's decision.

Regarding the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court, which is the same as the wish of the group that wants the 2024 election to be postponed, according to the general chairman of the Prima Party, Agus Jabo Priyono, it is beyond their power. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga VOI)

Is what the Central Jakarta District Court has decided in line with the group's movement that wants the election to be postponed, your comment?

It's not in our realm to discuss it. It's beyond our power. If anyone has an interpretation and perception like that, please, we can't limit that. Our aim is to restore political rights. But it shocked everyone instead. Political figures, political experts, and political observers were shocked. Feel free to give your opinion, but because we are a legal country, all parties must be mature. Respect the legal decision of the Central Jakarta District Court. If deemed wrong, take legal action. Do not let any prejudice and accuse here and there. There are ministers responding to this decision immaturely. When we were noisy at the KPU, no one paid attention, now we are just paying attention.

Who is behind the Prima Party, which can make this country vibrate?

Prima is the party of ordinary people, born from the womb of ordinary people. There is no force that many people suspect is behind the Prima Party. Nothing, everything is open and transparent. The party structure is visible to others. If there really is a big power behind us, the time for verification at the KPU has already passed, and there is no need for a path like this. That's the stupidest logic I think. If there is a big person behind the Prima Party, we will already be election participants. Because there were no big people, no funders, we finally took the current path.

What about the figure of Major General TNI (Ret.) R Gautama Wiranegara who sits as Chairman of the Prima Party Advisory Council?

He is retired or retired, has no hierarchy with his unit. In the past, when I was at BIN (State Intelligence Agency), there were also only directors, not deputies or deputy heads of BIN. He is already old, it's a pity that he has to be slandered like this and the country is being despised. When we first reported on Pak Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, they were also pressured from the left and right. So what is currently surfacing is prejudice, not the objectivity of cases that are already in the realm of law.

It shouldn't be politically prejudiced, I'm too lazy to respond to something like this. Let people judge, let history record what is happening at this time. Later time will prove who we really are. Now I want to say that many of us, ordinary people, do not believe, because we have been trapped from the frame that Jokowi is behind us. Even though there is none of that.

You want to say that at this time the problem is in the realm of law, the fight should only be in the realm of law?

Now everyone should see that this is a legal issue. And the decision issued by the Central Jakarta District Court already exists.

The solution in your opinion?

The solution is that Prima's rights as a political party must be recognized as participants in the 2024 election. After that, the issue of postponing the 2024 election can be resolved.

So there are no attempts to postpone the 2024 elections?

Nothing, we have no attempt to postpone the 2024 elections. There is no talk of postponing the elections from us. Please check his track record in the digital world.

What is your version of a win-win solution to solve this problem?

The solution is for the Prima Party to take part in the 2024 elections. If decision number 5 from the Central Jakarta District Court wants to be revoked, go ahead, we have no problem. What needs to be considered is the revocation mechanism. Is there mediation at the District Court, High Court, or Supreme Court, so that there is a solution to this problem.

Once again, we have no problem with postponing the 2024 elections, we have never fought for a postponement of the 2024 elections. We are fighting now for justice precisely because we want to take part in the 2024 elections.

If Prima could participate in the election, what program would he offer the people?

Since the beginning, our program has been anti-oligarchic, because this is against Pancasila. Next, we will fight for the Anti-oligarchy Bill. We have 9 excellent programs: one of them is a fair tax, the higher one's income, the higher the tax. Then in agriculture, we want to progress. In the industrial sector, we want our own national industry so that the economy is self-sufficient, and not constantly dependent on foreigners. Another program we want MSMEs to be strong and empowered. In the field of government, we want a clean government and superior human resources. Then there is respect for the role of women and concern for a clean environment. And most importantly the people's political participation, should not be hampered as what happened to the Prima Party at this time.

Agus Jabo Priyono Reveals the Message Behind the Acceptance of the Prima Party Lawsuit

For the general chairman of the Prima Party, Agus Jabo Priyono, there is wisdom behind their lawsuit being accepted at the Central Jakarta District Court. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga VOI)

The family responded to the Just Prosperous People's Party or Prima Party lawsuit at the Central Jakarta District Court. According to the general chairman of the Prima Party, Agus Jabo Priyono, he and his family members were grateful to hear the Central Jakarta District Court's decision. The lesson he learned from this case is that he should not stop fighting, no matter how hard it is.

"We are surprised that the lawsuit at the Central Jakarta District Court has been granted, and so is the family. We have fought and prayed day and night to seek justice. And our family sees it all. When I heard the decision, I immediately cried and prostrated myself, thank God, in the end, what we were fighting for was granted," he said.

The lesson to be learned from the lawsuit being granted, continued Agus, is to be consistent in fighting for and upholding rights. “Never stop fighting and if our intentions are good for the nation, for the country, for the people, God will give you a way. That's the most important lesson," he said.

And still said Gus Jabo, as he is usually called, must be straight to the point. “Never trade goals halfway for something else. We must be consistent with what we stand for and what we aspire to. I quote this from the talk of the late Buya Hamka," he said.

Agus Jabo Priyono advised young people to protect Indonesia. “Young people must understand the changing world. Must protect the identity of the Indonesian nation, namely Pancasila. Pancasila must be the guide and foundation of our lives," he said.

Daily Activity

To maintain health, Agus Jabo Priyono walks every morning and takes supplements. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga VOI)

Apart from being an activist and politician, what does Agus Jabo do? "My daily activities are reading books, occasionally accessing social media, and watching movies," he admits.

To maintain a healthy body he tries to walk in the morning. "In the morning I go for a walk after dawn prayers. That's all the sport, the tough ones are not strong enough," said Agus.

In addition to sports, he is also diligent in taking supplements so that the body's immunity and metabolism are maintained. "I usually drink habatussaudah as a supplement to maintain immunity," he said.

For matters of food, said Jabo, he had no restrictions until now. “I only abstain from eating what is forbidden by my religion. I don't eat one more food that is loud, because I have fallen out a lot of my teeth hehehe,” he continued, accompanied by a distinctive laugh.


Agus Jabo Priyono is grateful that his family understands his busy life as an activist and politician. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga VOI)

Since young Agus has been involved in organizations, he joined the Indonesian Islamic Students (PII) when he was in high school until he studied at Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Central Java. In 1996 he founded the People's Democratic Party (PRD) and Agus Jabo served as General Chair of the PRD.

As an activist in 1998, he and the PRD were among the keenest to criticize the New Order and Suharto's rule. And it was not in vain that the struggle of the 1998 activists and all those who supported them finally succeeded in overthrowing Suharto and the New Order.

Another activity that Agus does is reading books on history and philosophy. “I really like history and philosophy. I read books on Greek philosophy, Islamic philosophy, and modern philosophy," he said.

For many figures and warriors that he admired. However, he named Sukarno, Tan Malaka, HOS Tjokroaminoto, and Buya Hamka at the forefront.

With the development of technology and communication media, he also absorbs information about history and philosophy from the YouTube page. "We cannot avoid the development of communication media and social media such as YouTube and the like. We just have to sort out which ones are hoaxes and which are facts," he added.


Agus Jabo Priyono is grateful that his family understands his busy life as an activist and politician. "Monday to Friday I have been preoccupied with political activities, sometimes on weekends there are also invitations to the regions. However, when I have free time, I optimize it to gather with my family,” said the man who has the principle of fighting happily so that he always stays young.

"Let people judge, let history record what is happening at this time. Later time will prove who we really are. Now I want to say that we are ordinary people but many people do not believe it because they are stuck in the frame that Jokowi is behind us. Even though there is no such thing,"

Agus Jabo Priyono