Ready To Carry Out Electric Motor Conversion Program, Secretary General Of EMR Reveals Its Advantages

JAKARTA - The government has officially announced that it will provide assistance for the purchase of Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicles (KBLBB) starting March 20.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Rida Mulyana stated that he was ready to distribute government assistance, especially the conversion program.

"We, from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, regarding the KLBB program, we can make sure we are ready to distribute government assistance, especially the conversion program," he told journalists, Monday, March 6.

Rida conveyed a number of benefits that would be obtained by both the government and society if this policy came into force on March 20.

For the community, he continued, converting oil-fueled vehicles to electric motorbikes can certainly save costs of up to IDR 2.7 million per year.

Meanwhile, from the government side, it will also save fuel subsidy costs of up to IDR 32.7 billion per year.

"So, IDR 2.77 million is saved because you don't buy fuel, it's been reduced by the charge fee so it's net, the second thing we consider is Pertalite's compensation because so far it's been assisted by the government," continued Rida.

By shifting people to using electric vehicles, he continued, electricity consumption will also increase up to 15.2 GWh per year.

"Then from the other side, because we reduce fuel consumption in urban areas, it will reduce GHG emissions by up to 0.03 million tons. This is only from motorbikes," he added.

In terms of employment, this program will also open up new jobs because this conversion program will rely on MSME workshops spread all over the country.