Legitimate! 200,000 New Electric Motorcycles Get IDR 7 Million Assistance by the End of the Year

JAKARTA – The government through the Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, said that it has officially stated that the government will provide IDR 7 million in assistance to 200,000 electric motorbikes.

"This amount will be valid until December 2023", he said during a press conference in Jakarta on Monday, March 6.

According to the Minister of Industry, the government will also assist 35,900 units of four-wheeled vehicles by the end of the year.

"Meanwhile, we are proposing 138 units of buses", he said.

The Minister of Industry explained that this assistance would be given directly to producers so that the selling price offered would be more affordable for the community.

"During the period of assisting, manufacturers are prohibited from increasing vehicle prices", he said.

The Minister of Industry added, the distribution of government assistance would involve various parties, from ministries/agencies to financial service businesses.

"Later there will be banking or Himbara (government-owned banks, there are producers, and of course, we ourselves are appointed as the Authorized Budget Recipients (KPA), as well as verifiers so that we really ensure that those who are assisted are people who are entitled", he explained.