Gambir Fire Victims Have Not Been Examined As Witnesses, Still Busy Picking Up Leftovers

JAKARTA – Several witnesses will begin to be examined by Menteng Metro Police regarding the fire incident that hit the residential area of ​​RT 03/05, Petojo Selatan Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta.

Kapolsek Metro Gambir Kompol Mugia Yarry Junanda said that his party had not yet examined the witnesses because they asked for time to move things and arrange temporary housing.

"There should have been an initial summons, but they asked for time until the end of this week. They are still arranging temporary housing," said Kompol Mugia, Friday.

He said the fire victims were still looking for and picking up their belongings that could still be saved.

Meanwhile, the Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) of the National Police Headquarters is still carrying out an investigation by taking samples of the remaining fires at the hotspot locations.

"Lab results are waiting for Puslabfor, because we don't know the contents and other things from Puslabfor. It will take no longer than 14 days from taking samples at the TKP," he said.

Previously, the Gambir Metro Police together with the National Police Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) conducted TKP analysis and took samples of soil, debris, and charcoal left over from the fire at the former fire location, RT 03/05, Petojo Selatan Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta on Tuesday, February 28th.

From the results of the Gambir Metro Police investigation, there were 87 residents' houses that were burnt. Most residents who contract are traders around the area.