Nintendo Confirms Its Absence In The E3 Game Exhibition

JAKARTA - After many rumors regarding Nintendo's absence at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2023, the company has finally confirmed the news.

In a statement received by Engadget, Nintendo revealed that they had decided not to take part in this year's E3 event because it was not in accordance with the company's plans.

"We approach our involvement in any event on a case-by-case basis and are always considering different ways to engage with our fans. Because this year's E3 event did not match our plans, we have decided not to participate," Nintendo said in the statement.

Despite their absence from the event, Nintendo also confirmed that they will continue to be strong supporters of the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) and E3.

Earlier this month, IGN and VGC also reported that three global gaming giants including Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony had decided to withdraw from this year's E3. Even so, Sony and Microsoft have not confirmed it publicly.

Regardless, Microsoft will be hosting its major annual expo in Los Angeles this summer. Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer recently hinted it will take place around the same time as E3, which is around June 13 and 16.

Nintendo will also present Nintendo Direct which is usually held in mid-June every year. Meanwhile, PlayStation has also put on a big show following the State of Play event that took place this week.