A Year Of The Russian-Ukraine War, China Calls Weapons Delivery Will Not Bring Peace

JAKARTA - A year of Russia's war against Ukraine has presented only brutal facts, proof that sending weapons will not bring peace, China said during a session of the United Nations General Assembly Thursday.

The statement also comes just days after the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) warned Beijing against providing military support to Russia.

"Adding fuel to the fire will only exacerbate tensions. Prolonging and escalating the conflict will only make ordinary people pay a higher price," Chinese Deputy Ambassador to the UN Dai Bing told the UN General Assembly, reported Reuters February 24.

Western nations have provided Ukraine with billions of dollars in weapons since Russia invaded. Meanwhile, the United States and NATO last week accused China of considering supplying weapons to Russia, warning Beijing against doing so. China has dismissed the accusations.

Dai was speaking at the United Nations a day after China's top diplomat Wang Yi visited Moscow, promising a deeper partnership with Russia. China and Russia announced a "borderless" partnership shortly before Russia invaded Ukraine.

Previously, the European Union's top foreign affairs official, Josep Borrell, met with Wang in Munich last week. He said he asked Wang about possible Chinese military support for Russia.

"He was very clear and decisive," Borrell told reporters at the United Nations on Thursday, noting that the two had a good personal relationship over the years.

"I can only repeat what he told me: China does not provide weapons to Russia and will not provide weapons to Russia, because it is part of their foreign policy not to arm the parties to the conflict," he said.

"We must remain vigilant," he said.

The 193-member United Nations General Assembly approved a resolution demanding Russia immediately withdraw all of its troops from Ukraine, calling for a cessation of hostilities, one year after Moscow's invasion.

This non-binding resolution was approved by 141 countries, one of which is Indonesia. Meanwhile, 32 countries abstained, including China. Meanwhile, seven countries voted against it, including Russia, Syria and North Korea.

"We are ready to continue to play a constructive role in resolving the Ukrainian crisis, and bring about peace as soon as possible," Dai said.

Since Moscow invaded its neighbor on February 24 last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly hinted that Russia could use nuclear weapons if threatened.

"Nuclear weapons cannot be used, nuclear war cannot be fought. All parties must join together to fight against the use or threat of using nuclear weapons, prevent nuclear proliferation and avoid a nuclear crisis," said Dai.

Though non-binding, the vote demonstrates the level of support for Kyiv worldwide as the war continues, with Russia occupying large swaths of Ukraine and both sides bracing for more intense fighting in the spring.