The Sophistication Of C-130 J Hercules Aircraft, 5 Units Imported From America

YOGYAKARTA - The C-130 J Hercules aircraft purchased from Lockheed Martin Aerospace is scheduled to arrive in Indonesia on March 6, 2023. This heavy transport aircraft is ready to become a new fleet force for the Indonesian Air Force (AU). Like the sophistication of the C-130 J Hercules aircraft?

"God willing, the plane will arrive in Indonesia on March 6, 2023, flown by a pilot from Lockheed Martin," Kasau said in a statement.

The C-130 J Hercules aircraft will fly from Georgia, the United States of America, on February 28, 2023. Marshal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo as the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (Kasau) conveyed this news directly. The delivery of the aircraft, dubbed the Super Hercules, will be attended by three pilots from the TNI AU (Indonesian Air Force).

There are five Hercules C-130 J aircraft that will be imported to Indonesia on a regular basis. The arrival schedule for the aircraft is from March 2023, July, July, October, and January 2024. So what are the advantages or sophistication of this aircraft?

The sophistication of the Hercules C--130 J aircraft

The C-130 J Hercules aircraft that will fill the Indonesian air fleet this time is a sophisticated version of the previous Hercules variant. The advantages of this super Hercules plane lie in its dimensions, engines, and systems.


Reporting from Lockheed Martin's official website, the C-130 J Hercules aircraft has longer dimensions and wider cargo space among other Hercules variants. This aircraft has a length of 34.9 meters, a height of 11.9 meters, and a wingspan of 39.7 meters.

The larger dimensions allow this aircraft to carry a maximum load of up to 20,000 kg. This Super Hercules aircraft can load 8 pallets or 97 stretchers, 128 fighter planes, and 92 parachutes.


The C-130 J Hercules aircraft is powered by four Rools-Royce AE 2100D3 turboprops that can put out 4,700 horsepower. Unlike the E and H models, which use the Allison T56 turboprop engine.

This powerful engine allows the aircraft to travel at a maximum speed of 660 km/h (mac 0.58) at an altitude of 6,706 meters. The distance that can be traveled by this plane is as far as 4,425 km.


In addition to improvements in cargo and engine parts, this super Hercules aircraft is also equipped with more modern technological features. There is a more sophisticated flight station and a fully integrated digital avionics system. In addition, this aircraft is also equipped with a head-up screen display and sophisticated navigation.

Sophisticated features in the C-130 J Hercules aircraft also include aspects of improved fuel protection and cargo handling systems. This aircraft can also perform refueling in the air so that it can fly long distances. In addition, this aircraft can also refuel to other aircraft while in the air.

The Indonesian Air Force has indeed become a loyal customer of the Hercules aircraft manufacturer. For information, some of the older or earlier Hercules C-130 aircraft have stopped operating and have been assigned to other areas. The arrival of the C-130 J Hercules aircraft will certainly be a new force for the Indonesian Air Force.

Such is the review of the Hercules C-130 J aircraft which will support the strength of the Indonesian Air Force fleet. Marshal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo said that the super Hercules aircraft would be placed at the 31st Air Squadron Halim Perdana Kusuma Air Force Base, Jakarta.

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