Avoid Competition Between Siblings, Here's How Parents Teach Children To Love Their Siblings

JAKARTA - Ideally, brother and sister will grow up, play happily together, and become friends with each other. However, in reality, sibling rivalry does occasionally occur. Let's teach your little one to build a good relationship with his siblings, launching Parenting, on February 6.

Build Foundation

When you found out you were pregnant with your second (or maybe third) child, you naturally wanted to share the good news with your family and friends. Don't forget the older brother.

If your sibling still sleeps with you, wean him immediately. Don't wait until his younger sibling is born so he doesn't feel his younger sibling 'stole' his place. You also need to reassure him over and over again that your feelings of love will not diminish even if his younger sibling is born later.

Meet the New Baby

When the older brother finally meets his younger sibling, prepare a gift as if it was from the baby. During the first meeting, let the older brother kiss, caress, or hug the younger sibling. If you've previously trained your older sibling with a dummy, it's time for some real practice.

When the younger sibling grew up

At this time, you need to give the understanding to the older brother because he will think that his younger sibling is just like him. For example, when the older brother is playing with wooden blocks and the younger sibling comes to snatch it. Usually the older brother will snatch back and think that his younger sibling is naughty. What you need to do is give an understanding that your younger sibling still doesn't understand what he is doing is wrong.

Sibling Rivalry

To reduce competition, give both of them equal attention. Emphasize those around you to do the same. Also make sure you spend some one-on-one time with each child so they have some private time with you.