Evidence of 3.4 Kilograms of Methamphetamine and 388 Ecstasy Pills Destroyed by the Bangka Attorney General's Office

SUNGAILIAT - The District Attorney's Office (Kejari) of Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, destroyed 3.4 kilograms of narcotic evidence of the methamphetamine type as a follow-up to a court decision that had permanent legal force.

Head of the Bangka Prosecutor's Office Futin Helena Laoli in Sungailiat, Thursday, said the destruction of the 3.4 kilograms of methamphetamine also coincided with 388 ecstasy pills from 58 cases of narcotics crimes.

In addition to destroying evidence of narcotics crimes, he said, evidence of general crimes was also destroyed in 24 cases, such as firearms, sharp weapons, cell phones, bags, clothes, wood and threaded hoses.

The destruction of the evidence, according to Futin, was carried out by destroying it so that it could not be used again, such as burning it, using a blender for narcotics and cutting it for firearms and sharp weapons.

"The destruction of the evidence was by the regulations and went through a good and correct selection stage. This was also done to anticipate the public's perspective on the follow-up handling of narcotics cases handled by the prosecutor's office", he said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Regent of Bangka Syahbudin appreciated the destruction of evidence of a crime by the local District Attorney because it could prevent the circulation of narcotics in the community.

"I invite all levels of society to unite to prevent and combat the distribution of narcotics which is very dangerous to society", he said.

He also hopes that the mass media through their reporting can provide education related to efforts to prevent narcotics abuse which endangers society.