South Korean President's Strict Order Regarding North Korean Unmanned Aircraft: One Drone Responds to Two to Three, Shoot Down If Necessary

JAKARTA - President Yoon Suk-yeol has ordered a firm response if North Korean drones intrude into South Korean airspace earlier this week, telling aides to send two to three drones across the border, if Pyongyang sends one, a senior official said Wednesday. .

Furthermore, President Yoon also ordered officials to shoot down North Korean drones if necessary, the official told reporters, given the tense situation at the presidential office when five North Korean drones flew to the South on Monday.

"When the first one went down, the president instructed us to immediately take appropriate action against North Korea, saying we also have drones," the official said, cited from the Korea Times, December 28.

"He ordered us to send two to three people in response to one from North Korea. He gave orders that we should shoot him if necessary and take as many related actions as possible."

The official dismissed criticism from the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) that top officials failed to properly handle the situation without even convening a meeting of the presidential National Security Council at the time.

"It was not a situation to have the NSC meeting and it wasn't even necessary," the official said, adding that National Security Adviser Kim Sung-han frequently received instructions from President Yoon and conveyed them to the Joint Chiefs of Staff through the defense minister.

Advisor Kim also held an emergency meeting with key ministers on security on Tuesday, the official said.

"An emergency security meeting was held to evaluate the North Korean drone provocation situation and to discuss future countermeasures and responses," the official said.