Visiting Modern Retailers and Markets in Bogor, Minister of Trade Zulhas: Adequate Stocks of Staples, Controlled Prices

JAKARTA - The Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan emphasized that stocks of staple goods in modern retail and traditional markets ahead of Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 are sufficient and prices are under control. This is according to a direct order from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

This was conveyed by the Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hasan, while monitoring the stock and price of staple goods at Superindo on Pajajaran Street and at the Kebon Kembang Market in Bogor, West Java, Friday, December 23.

"Ahead of Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023, the availability of staple goods is adequately maintained and prices are under control. The government is ready for Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023. We are indeed intensely monitoring staple goods because it concerns the lives of many people. This is the President's order, so staple goods must be available and the price is affordable and stable", said Zulkifli Hasan.

Zulhas, the nickname for Zulkifli Hasan, said that the prices of staple goods in modern retail are generally stable.

"In modern retail, you buy directly from the main producers, you have stock, so the price doesn't fluctuate. In addition, there is no haggling, so the price is stable. Meanwhile, in the people's market, prices can change many times in one day", he said.

Monitoring results at Superindo Bogor recorded the price of sugar IDR 13,500 per kg, eggs IDR 27,000 per kg, cooking oil IDR 14,000 to IDR 21,900 per liter, meat IDR 130,000 per kg, garlic IDR 26,950 per kg, chicken IDR 34,000 per kg, as well as premium rice according to the highest retail price (HET), which is IDR 12,800 per kg.

Zulhas explained that the inflation rate was also relatively under control ahead of Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023. General inflation was recorded as slumping from 5.71 percent in October to 5.42 percent in November.

Meanwhile, said Zulhas, at the Kebon Kembang Market it was observed that commodity prices had decreased, such as eggs, chilies namely bird's eye chilies, curly chilies, large red chilies; and shallots. Apart from that, the meat commodity is also stable.

Based on the monitoring of the Ministry of Trade's SP2KP, purebred chicken eggs and chilies began to decline while other commodities were relatively stable. The national average price for broiler chicken eggs is IDR 31,500 per kg, 8.6 percent above the reference price at the consumer level of IDR 27,000 per kg due to increased demand. Currently, the price at the farmer level (farmgate) is around IDR 25,000 per kg, starting to fall from the previous weeks which reached IDR 27,500 per kg.

Meanwhile, chili prices were recorded to have fallen by around 2.4 percent compared to the previous week as supplies from centers began to increase. Then, Minyakita is available in 34 provinces in both people's markets and modern retail at prices according to HET.

The Ministry of Trade also cooperates with the Association of Indonesian Retailers or APRINDO, which has 150 members and 45,000 outlets throughout Indonesia in distributing staple goods as well as partners in selling staple goods according to the HET or Reference Price.

Zulhas also asked the local government to intervene if there is an increase in food prices by more than 5 percent of the reference price in his area. This intervention is carried out through subsidies on transportation costs and price subsidies. The food subsidy is included in the Unexpected Expenditures (BTT) component which is taken as 2 percent of the General Transfer Fund (DTU) for each region.

"If the price rises by more than five percent, the mayor will intervene. The government will make every effort to make the goods available and affordable", he said.