Members of the Seram Police in Eastern Maluku Fired for Drug Cases

AMBON - A member of the East Seram Police, Maluku, has been dismissed from service or dishonorably dismissed for being involved in a drug case.

This dismissal was based on the Decree of the Head of the Maluku Regional Police Number Kep/433/X/2022 regarding dishonorable discharge from the Indonesian Police Service, the decision of the Indonesian Police Professional Code of Ethics Commission Session Number: PUT KKEP/10/Vl/2022/KKEP, dated 23 June 2022 on behalf of the violator of the East Seram Police, Brigadier Mario Atihuta.

"This PTDH is a form of realization of the commitment of the National Police leadership in providing punitive sanctions for personnel who commit violations, both violations of discipline and the Police code of ethics", said SBT Police Chief AKBP Agus Joko Nugroho in Ambon as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 22.

The former member of the SBT Polres violated Article 12 paragraph 1 letter (a) of PP No. 1/2003 regarding police dismissal, Article 7 paragraph 1 letter (b), and Article 11 letter (c) of the National Police Chief Regulation No. 14/2011 concerning the Police Professional Code of Ethics.

"Of course, this has been carried out by the stages that have been passed, and the provisions of the applicable legislation, how to view it from several principles", he said.

These principles include, namely, the principle of legal certainty against police personnel who violate so that their status becomes clear. Furthermore, the principle of expediency is the consideration of how much benefit it will bring to the organization of the National Police and giving punishment in the form of being fired from the service.

"This decision was not taken in a short time, but has been implemented through a very long process, full of consideration and always guided by the applicable legal corridors", he said.

The Chief of Police hopes that the SBT Police personnel and the ranks will not be fired like this in the future.

"For that, let's take lessons and lessons from this PTDH. Make self-introspection and reflection so that you can become a good person in carrying out tasks professionally and responsibly according to applicable regulations, "he said.

Atihuta on February 27, 2020, was caught carrying 524.5 grams of crystal methamphetamine at Juwata Airport, Tarakan, North Kalimantan. He was arrested by airport officials when he reported himself at Juwata Airport.