Watch The Peak Of Full Lunar Eclipse Today At 18.00 WIB

JAKARTA - The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) said all of Indonesia except Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, and Bengkulu could witness the peak of the total lunar eclipse at 18.00 WIB on November 8.

"The impact of a total lunar eclipse on human life is the rising tides of sea water which are higher than usual days when there is no eclipse, full moon or new moon," said a researcher at the Center for Space Research at the BRIN Aeronautics and Space Research Organization, Andi Pangerang in a written statement, as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, November 7th.

A total lunar eclipse lasts for a total duration of one hour 24 minutes 58 seconds and an umbral (partial + total) duration of three hours 39 minutes 50 seconds.

The width of the total lunar eclipse is 1.3589 with a distance of 0.2570 from the center of the umbra to the center of the Moon. The eclipse was included in the 20th of 72 eclipses in the Saros Series 136 (1680-2960).

Andi said the stages of the total lunar eclipse process include the initial phase of the penumbra, when the moon begins to enter the faint outer shadow of the earth, and the initial phase of a partial eclipse or when the moon enters the dark shadow of the Earth (umbra).

Then, the initial phase of a total lunar eclipse or when the Moon begins to fully enter the Earth's dark shadow, the peak phase of a total lunar eclipse or when the Moon is completely in the Earth's dark shadow so that it appears red.

Next, the final phase of a total lunar eclipse where the moon begins to leave the earth's dark shadow, the final phase of a partial lunar eclipse where the moon has come out of the earth's dark shadow, and the final penumbral phase where the lunar eclipse process is complete because the moon has completely come out of the earth's shadow.

The initial phase of the penumbra occurred at 15.02 WIB and could not be observed throughout Indonesia. Meanwhile, the initial phase of the partial eclipse can be seen in Papua, West Papua, Seram Island, Halmahera Island, Aru Islands, Kai Islands, Tanimbar Islands at 16.09 WIB or 17.09 WITA or 18.09 WIT.

While the start of the total lunar eclipse can be observed in Papua, West Papua, Maluku, North Maluku, Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, Bali, North Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, and Kapuas Hulu at 17.16 WIB or 18.16 WITA or 19.16 WIT.

The final phase of the total lunar eclipse can be seen throughout Indonesia at 18:41 WIB. The final phase of the partial lunar eclipse can be observed throughout Indonesia at 19.49 WIB. While the final phase of the penumbra can be observed throughout Indonesia at 20:56 WIB.

A total lunar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon when the entire surface of the moon enters the Earth's core shadow (umbra) because the configuration between the moon, earth and sun forms a straight line.

When the moon enters the umbra (dark shadow of the earth), the color of the umbra tends to be black. As the moon is completely within the umbra, the moon will become reddish in color. During an eclipse, no sunlight can be reflected by the Moon the same as during the full moon phase.