Populi Survey: IDR 0 DP House Becomes Anies' Program With The Lowest Satisfaction Rate
JAKARTA - Populi Center released the results of a survey regarding the satisfaction of the people of Jakarta with Anies Baswedan's program and development during his tenure as Governor of DKI Jakarta for the 2017-2022 period.
There are 27 programs that are offered to be given an assessment of satisfaction by respondents. As a result, there are 12 programs that have low satisfaction scores or more dissatisfied residents.
The program that has the lowest satisfaction value is Rumah DP of Rp.0. This program is one of Anies' campaign promises with minimal achievement targets. From the initial 232,214 targets, the realization of the construction was only 2,332 units.
"There are 12 programs that get negative, bad, or dissatisfied ratings, namely programs with satisfaction below 60 percent. The lowest is Rumah DP 0 with 33.3 percent satisfaction," said Populi Center researcher Dimas Ramadan in his presentation, quoted Thursday, October 20.
Other programs that have other low satisfaction rates are the implementation of Formula E with a satisfaction value of 42.7 percent, the reclamation of the North Coast of Jakarta at 42.7 percent, OK OCE or Jakpreneur at 45.5 percent, infiltration wells at 53.2 percent, and several other programs. others who have satisfaction rates below 60 percent.
Furthermore, there are 15 programs under the leadership of Anies Baswedan which have high satisfaction scores. The program that respondents rated most positively was the provision of Taman Maju Bersama (TMB) or RPTRA.
"There are 15 programs that get positive, good, or satisfying ratings, namely programs with satisfaction above 60 percent. The highest is Taman Maju Bersama with 84.2 percent," said Dimas.
After the TMB provision program, another program that received a high satisfaction score was Street Lighting of 81.9
percent, Jakarta Health Card (KJS) Plus 80.3 percent, waste management 77 percent, road maintenance 76.2 percent, and several other programs.
For information, this survey was conducted using the Populi Center survey application on October 9-16, 2022. The survey involved 600 respondents from the population of Jakarta residents spread over 60 urban villages.
The margin of error for the survey with this sample size is estimated at ± 4 percent at a 95 percent confidence level on the assumption of multistage random sampling.