6 Political Parties Not Passing KPU Verification Will Declare Against Political Genocide
JAKARTA - A total of six political parties (political parties) that failed to pass the administrative verification of the 2024 election registration stage at the General Elections Commission (KPU) stated that they would declare the GMPG or Movement Against Political Genocide.
The event was a form of resistance because the KPU and Bawaslu were judged to be unfair in carrying out the implementation of the election stages.
The six political parties are the Masyumi Party, the Mighty Party, the Smart Party, the United Nations Party, the Sovereignty Party, and the Reform Party.
"This declaration departs from the thought that the Indonesian KPU as the organizer of the 2024 General Election and the Indonesian Election Supervisory Body as the 2024 Election Supervisory Body have committed dishonest and unfair actions, starting with the deprivation of the constitutional rights of political parties that have officially registered to participate in the 2024 Election. " said the General Chairman (Ketum) of the Masyumi Party, Ahmad Yani, in his statement, Monday, October 17.
It is known that political parties that have legal entities are required to register with the KPU if they want to become political parties participating in the election in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (Election Law).
However, the Chairman of the Perkasa Party, Eko S. Santjojo, assessed that in its implementation, political parties were actually hampered by the KPU's Political Party Information System (SIPOL), which was not regulated in Law no. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections and only sourced from KPU Regulation (PKPU) No. 4 of 2022.
"Because the KPU is the implementer of legal norms, not making legal norms, the KPU's SIPOL as a form of KPU's 'discretionary' cannot be used as a norm that binds political parties participating in the election, which can then hinder the rights of political parties to become political parties participating in the election," he stressed.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Smart Party, Farhat Abbas, said that the KPU Sipol was only an instrument to assist and facilitate political parties in filling out data or documents. Not as an instrument to disqualify and eliminate political parties to become political parties participating in the election.
Moreover, according to Farhat, this was done by the KPU in the registration stage of political parties, while the official report on their registration was not given.
"This proves that the KPU and Bawaslu have carried out what we call 'Political Genocide' in a structured, massive and systematic manner," he said.
The GMPG declaration is planned to be implemented at the Acacia Hotel, Jakarta, today, Monday, October 17.
As is known, the KPU stated that 18 political parties had met the requirements for verification of the 2024 election administration. The decision was stated in the announcement letter number 9/PL.01.1-Pu/05/2022. A copy of the letter has been published on the KPU's official website.
The parties that passed were the Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP), the Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS), Partai Perindo, Partai NasDem, Partai Bulan Bintang (PBB), and Partai Kebangkitan Nusantara (PKN).
Then, there are Partai Garda Perubahan Indonesia, Partai Demokrat, Partai Gelombang Rakyat Indonesia (Gelora), Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat (Hanura), Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya (Gerindra), Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB), and Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI).
There are also the Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN), Partai Golkar, Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP), Partai Buruh, and Partai Ummat.
Meanwhile, the six political parties that did not pass the administrative verification were Partai Swara Rakyat Indonesia, Partai Republik, Partai Republik Satu, Partai Republik Indonesia, Partai Rakyat Adil Makmur (Prima), and Partai Keadilan dan Persatuan.