A 10-Meter Cliff Falls To A Resident's House In Banjarnegara, BPBD Evacuates 5 Victims

Central Java - Joint officers coordinated by the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) together with residents evacuated five injured victims of a landslide in Jembangan Village, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java.

"The landslide disaster in Karanggedang Hamlet, RT 09 RW 05, Jembangan Village, Punggelan District, occurred on Monday (10 October) night after heavy rains poured in the area since 12.00 WIB," said the Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of BPBD Banjarnegara Regency Andri Sulistyo, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, October 11th.

In this disaster, he continued, a cliff about 10 meters high and 5 meters wide with a slope of almost 90 degrees, a landslide hit the second floor of a house belonging to Supono (31).

At the time of the incident, on the 2nd floor of the house, there were five people consisting of Supono who was on the front or balcony, and Susanti (Supono's wife), Risa Setia Ningrum (Supono and Susanti's daughter), and Ali Anto and Tegar (Susanti's little brother) were in the back of the family room.

"Based on information from Mr. Supono, he and Ali heard a rumbling sound before the landslide occurred. But when Mr. Supono was about to go out to confirm the origin of the sound, the landslide occurred," said Andri.

Because they did not have time to save themselves, he said, Ali and his entire family who were on the 2nd floor of his house were hit by landslides.

Head of Hamlet 4 Suharjo and the victim's neighbor, Misrun, who knew about the incident, immediately came to the scene and asked for help from other residents to evacuate the victim.

"We from BPBD Banjarnegara who came to the scene with PMI Banjarnegara personnel and SAR Banjarnegara Regency immediately carried out evacuation efforts for all victims," ​​said Andri.

He said the landslide caused Supono and Susanti to suffer minor injuries and are currently in evacuation centers.

Meanwhile, Supono and Susanti's child, Risa Setia Ningrum, who had been referred by the Punggelan I Health Center to the Banjarnegara Islamic Hospital, is currently undergoing treatment at Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospital in Purwokerto due to serious injuries.

Meanwhile, Susanti's two younger siblings, namely Ali Anto, suffered lacerations to their hands and Tegar suffered injuries to their backs, so the two residents of Petuguran Village RT 03 RW 06 underwent treatment at the Punggelan I Health Center.

Furthermore, Andri said that the landslide also threatened a house inhabited by two people, namely Wiyarji (60) and Rewing (50).

"Currently, Mr. Wiyarji and Mrs. Rewing have been evacuated," he said.