Bandung Alerts 90 Disaster Management Officers For 24 Hours

BANDUNG - The Bandung City Fire and Disaster Management Agency, West Java, alerted 90 disaster management officers for 24 hours to respond quickly to disaster events.

Head of the Bandung City Fire and Disaster Management Agency, Gun Gun Sumaryana, said disaster management efforts were carried out by involving other relevant regional apparatus organizations.

"We are coordinating, so we don't wait for each other to handle it", said Gun Gun, as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, September 29.

According to him, the Bandung City Fire and Disaster Management Service are also trying to involve elements of the community in disaster prevention and management efforts.

He emphasized the importance of residents understanding the level of disaster vulnerability in the area where they live as well as disaster mitigation measures.

"What should not be done, what should be done regarding disasters... God willing, the Bandung City Government is always present to the community. But we still hope that disasters do not happen", said Gun Gun.