MAKI's Message To Lukas Enembe's Defenders: If Obstructing The KPK Investigation, Can Be Legally Processed

JAKARTA - Supporters of the Governor of Papua Lukas Enembe are reminded not to overdo their support. Do not let them be seen as obstructing the investigation process conducted by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

"Legally, it is possible to obstruct or let's say carry out a defense that is not based on that, it is not law-abiding, in fact later it can proceed to obstruct the investigation," said the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman to reporters, Thursday, September 22.

As for obstructing an investigation, it is regulated in Article 21 of the Corruption Crime Act (Tipikor). So, Luke's supporters should support the governor in fulfilling the KPK's summons.

Moreover, they always believed that Luke was innocent and was not involved in a corruption case.

"The friends (in, red) Papua, the supporters should have encouraged Pak Lukas to come to the summons," he said.

Previously, the KPK said that Lukas Enembe was involved in a corruption case. Not just one, but there are a number of suspected rioters being investigated.

"There are several cases that are being handled regarding LE (Lukas Enembe) not only one, yes. We are currently handling several cases," said Deputy for Enforcement and Execution of the KPK Karyoto in Jakarta, Wednesday, September 21.

Karyoto did not elaborate on the case against Lukas. However, he said the allegation originated from public reports.