Deputy Principal Of State Vocational Schools In Bukittinggi Obscene Male Student Since 2018, This Is The Modus

BUKITTINGGI - Deputy Principal at one of the State Vocational Schools in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, was arrested by the police. The perpetrator with the initials IF was arrested on suspicion of obscenity.

The perpetrator was arrested after there was a report from the victim's family who did not accept the perpetrator's actions. The Head of the Bukittinggi Police, AKBP Wahyuni Sri Lestari, said the arrests were made in mid-August.

"The perpetrator served as deputy principal at one of the Bukittinggi SMKN, the victim was a minor boy who was also the son of a fellow perpetrator who was both a teacher at the school", Wahyuni said, as reported by Antara, Saturday, August 27.

When interrogated, the perpetrator admitted his actions. He said he had been carrying out his depraved act since 2018.

The police chief said that the first act of obscenity was carried out in the drawing room and then in the curriculum waka room.

"Based on the perpetrator's statement, he carried out the action for the first time in 2018 and it was admitted that he had done it three times in different rooms at the SMKN", said Wahyuni.

Meanwhile, Kaur Bin Ops (KBO) of the Bukittinggi Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Iptu Herwin, said the perpetrator carried out an obscene act by persuading the victim by lending her a cellphone to play games. "Then run the action after locking the room", he said.

The police then also secured evidence such as clothes used by the victim and the perpetrator as well as a cell phone unit.

"The perpetrator was charged with Article 82 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 76E of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection in conjunction with Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulation instead of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning Second Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2022 concerning Child Protection with a maximum threat of 15 years in prison", said Herwin.