Distribution Of Subsidized Solar In East Belitung Reaches 8,734 KL Of The Total Quota Of 17,177 KL

JAKARTA - Distribution of subsidized diesel fuel (BBM) in East Belitung Regency until June 2022 has reached 8,734-kilo liters (KL). The total quota for Solar this year is 17,177 KL.

Sales Branch Manager of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagsel, Hizkia Reiner Bontong, asked the public not to worry and panic, so they make excessive purchases.

"We guarantee that the supply of fuel will remain smooth, not scarce and we urge people to continue to buy according to their needs", he said.

According to Presidential Regulation No. 191 of 2014, users who are entitled to subsidized Solar for the transportation sector are black plate motor vehicles for transporting people or goods, public service vehicles such as ambulances, fire engines, and garbage collectors.

Bontang explained that the potential for exceeding the subsidized fuel quota is very possible if public consumption is still high and the delivery method is not changed.

"If it is still high, of course, there will be efforts to increase the quota, but we will still see the conditions on the ground", he said.

Meanwhile, the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency Committee, Abdul Halim, admitted that he would increase the fuel quota with a more complex calculation.

"Everything is processed statistically, not from the number of motorbikes, the number of people, geographical conditions, but all aspects into one unit", he said.