Making Foreign Tourists Restless, 5 Robbers Who Was Arrested Intentionally 'On Display' At The Bali Bombing Monument With Hands And Feet Chained

BADUNG - The rise of criminal acts in the Kuta area, Badung Regency, Bali, has made foreign tourists restless. The police arrested 5 robbers.

In addition to taking firm action against criminals, Denpasar Police Chief, Commissioner Bambang Yugo Pamungkas, exhibited five robbers and pickpockets in front of the Bali Bombing 1 Memorial in Legian, Kuta.

The robbers who were chained to their feet and hands when released by the police became a spectacle for the public as well as foreign tourists who passed by the Bali Bombing Memorial 1.

Commissioner Bambang said the Denpasar Police had uncovered the perpetrators of a crime that had been troubling in the Legian area, Kuta. The perpetrators targeted foreign tourists from various countries.

"Denpasar Police have disclosed cases related to robberies or pickpockets and there are three reports from the public", he said, during a press conference at the Bali Bombing Monument 1, Monday, August 8.

The robbery suspects are displayed at the Bali Bombing Monument 1 Legian, Kuta, Bali in a crime case release/PHOTO: Dafi-VOI

The three reports came from foreign tourists who were victims of muggings, namely from India, Germany, and Australia. The victim was snatched in the Legian area, Kuta, Badung Regency, Bali. Police say the victims suffered losses of up to tens of millions.

"On average they target the cellphones of these tourists and the tourists who become victims are foreign tourists. The mode is the same, all (the perpetrators) ride motorbikes and then take direct (mobile phones) from foreign tourists", said Denpasar Police Chief.

The perpetrators were all from Karangasem Regency, Bali. They act alone or together with their crime partners.

"We need to emphasize, that we deliberately held a press conference today (at the Bali Bombing Memorial). We want to show the public that every incident that has occurred in Kuta and its surroundings is mainly related to mugging cases where the victims are tourists. So we agreed to start Today we will take decisive and measured action", said Commissioner Bambang.

Commissioner Bambang also warned that criminals in the Kuta area would be dealt with firmly.

"We are implementing it from today, please if you want to try it. Because we agreed here that we will revive tourism in Bali, which we love. We have one more task, we must maintain public order and give a sense of trust to the international community, especially welcome the implementation of the G20", continued the Denpasar Police Chief.

Denpasar Police Chief Kombes Bambang Yugo Pamungkas in releasing a mugging case at the Bali Bombing Monument 1, Legian, Kuta/PHOTO: Dafi-VOI

Meanwhile, the Bendesa Adat Kuta, I Wayan Wasista appreciated the decisive action of the Denpasar Police.

"I would like to thank the Denpasar Police, especially the Kuta Police, who have handled cases that have been troubling tourists. So, we ask for synergy, together to secure the Kuta area, which incidentally is a tourist destination", he said.

He also hopes that the Denpasar Police Chief's firmness in eradicating crime in the Kuta area can be proven by collaborating with security officers in the Kuta Traditional Village.

"Hopefully in the future, today and beyond, let's collaborate and let's work together to keep Kuta safe, and comfortable for tourists. Hopefully what the Chief of Police has said about the firmness of criminals can be proven. Our people in Kuta really miss security in our territory", he said.