BP2MI Says 129 PMI Victims Of Captivity In Cambodia Had Refused To Be Employed As A Result Of Being Intimidated

JAKARTA - Hundreds of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) who were victims of confinement in Cambodia had previously refused to be employed by the company.

The head of the Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Agency (BP2MI), Benny Rhamdani, revealed as a result of the rejection, hundreds of victims of fraud and trafficking in persons (TPPO) from Indonesia received intimidation.

"Almost all of them have experienced violence, apart from being held captive in Cambodia", said Benny when confirmed, Monday, August 8.

Benny said, initially PPMI departed unofficially due to economic pressure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This condition is exploited by many illegal companies abroad. One of them is in Cambodia which lures prospective migrant workers to work by deceiving them.

"Even the target of fraud is the state and the people of Indonesia. That's where they finally realized, Indonesians can't commit fraud to the people of Indonesia", he said.

With the confinement, it means that there has been a violation of Human Rights (HAM). The government discovered the violation after information about workers being intimidated was posted on social media.

Government agencies that received the information immediately took steps to rescue the PMIs, even though they had departed illegally.

Currently, the state is no longer picky in making efforts to rescue Indonesian workers abroad, because the state's evacuation of every citizen must be carried out.

This is proof that the state does not discriminate between workers who leave officially or not. "As long as workers are Indonesian citizens, the highest law is the safety of citizens", said Benny.

According to Benny, collaboration across ministries/agencies in handling this event is very good. While abroad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for protecting PMI through Indonesian representatives abroad, namely the Embassy and Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia.

After the rescued PMIs arrive in Indonesia, the protection of citizens is the responsibility of BP2MI and other ministries.

Based on data from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there were around 129 PMIs who was successfully released by the Cambodian Police and the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh as of Friday, August 5.

Benny said that 12 PMI arrived in Indonesia on Friday, August 5 night. "This afternoon or evening, it is possible that around 14 more people will return to the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh from Cambodia", he said.

Regarding the anticipation of this illegal mode of work, according to the Antara report, the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh appealed to prospective migrant workers and Indonesian citizens who wish to work in Cambodia to first check the legitimacy of the various companies that opened the job vacancies.

Checks were made to BP2MI, the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Indonesia, and the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh, especially regarding the location and information on job vacancies offered.

In addition, the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh also appealed to read and understand the employment contract carefully before accepting a job and leaving for Cambodia.

For migrant workers or Indonesian citizens who have arrived in Cambodia, they can report themselves through the https://peduliwni.kemlu.go.id/ portal. By self-reporting, the service and protection for Indonesian citizens who are abroad will be more optimal.

In addition, for the handling of victims of trafficking in persons, there will be 24 Ministries/Institutions involved, including BP2MI which is ranked 23 in Presidential Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning TIP.