Vatican Ambassador To Indonesia Reads Letter From Pope Francis In NTT: Greetings To The Brotherhood

KUPANG - The head of the world Catholic Church Pope Francis congratulated the Archbishop of Kupang Mgr. Petrus Turang, for it, has been 25 years since he pastored the Catholic Archdiocese of Kupang.

The letter from Pope Francis was read directly by the Vatican Ambassador to Indonesia Mgr Piero Pioppo in front of Catholics, priests, brothers, and sisters at the Santa Maria Assumpta church in Kupang City, NTT, Wednesday, July 27.

"Our honorable brother Petrus Turang Archbishop of Kupang, in the midst of his 25th year of priestly ordination, we extend our greetings of brotherhood," Pope Francis said in a letter read by the Vatican's Ambassador to Indonesia, quoted from Antara.

In his letter, the Pope commended the personal and service of the Archbishop of Kupang Mgr Petrus Turang, who has achieved 25 years of priesthood pastoring Catholics in the area.

Bishop Petrus Turang, who started his priestly year as Bishop of Kupang in 1997, was asked to always bless and pray for Pope Francis who is in Rome, and the priests and Catholics around the world.

In his letter, the Pope also conveyed his apostolic blessing to the Archbishop of Kupang Mgr Petrus Turang, who on Wednesday, July 2 also celebrated his 75th birthday.

In addition, Pope Francis' apostolic blessing was also given to all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Kupang.

Based on Church Law, the canon law code (CRC canon 401) stipulates that a bishop is expected to apply for permission to resign from his position, has reached the age of 75 years (article 1), or if due to health reasons or other serious reasons, he can no longer carry out his duties properly (article 2).

On this basis, the Archbishop of Kupang then wrote a letter of resignation addressed to Pope Francis at the Vatican.

If approved, the Archbishop of Kupang Mgr Petrus Turang will become Emeritus and Pope Francis will appoint a new bishop for Catholics in the Archdiocese of Kupang.