According To Study, You Just Need To Appreciate The Experience To Make Life More Meaningful

YOGYAKARTA – Throughout life's journey, meaning is never stopped. In fact, it is not uncommon to feel lost and life feels like it's running mechanically, it doesn't feel whole. As it turns out, many experts are trying to answer this big question mark in life. The new view finds that a meaningful life focuses on three main aspects, namely a sense of coherence, purpose, and materiality.

These three aspects show that everyone wants to live more sensibly and feels that every experience is connected to each other so that it builds meaning. A sense of coherence is characterized when you feel that you live together in an understandable way. While the goal will encourage the motivation of life. Then material, is important in adding value to life.

This aspect is explicitly marked by past experiences, future goals, and relationships with other people. According to a study conducted by Jinhyung Kim reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, July 6, there is another fundamental aspect of life that gives rise to meaning, namely valuing one's experiences.

According to the study, appreciating one's experiences and the beauty of life, as simple as basking in the sun when the cold hits or listening to music in the middle of a concert, to laughing at comedy scenes in movies, are markers that life feels meaningful. Another finding from the study, appreciating one's own experience is also an important aspect of the meaning of life.

Appreciation of life experiences can be expressed in simple sentences. For example 'I appreciate the little things in life', 'I am very interested in daily activities', to 'I tend to find myself when I am involved in conversation with other people'.

Even more surprising than this research is, sometimes we have more control but can't make big changes. Don't even find life more meaningful that way. It's different when we share and talk with other people. Amie M. Gordon, Ph.D., social psychology advice, try to lift your head from your device and take a moment to appreciate the world around us. We can breathe and feel grateful just for being alive. Added Amie again, only by appreciating the intrinsic beauty of the present moment, we can feel the meaning of life.