Former Chief Justice Of The Constitutional Court The Value Of The Social Impact Of Legalization Of Medical Cannabis Needs To Be Examined

JAKARTA - Former Chairman of the Constitutional Court who is also the General Chair of the Syarikat Islam, Hamdan Zoelva, said that the social impact of legalizing marijuana for medical purposes needs to be studied.

"Science can use research from any country. However, specifically for the case in Indonesia, we must conduct special research on its social impacts", said Hamdan Zoelva in a dialogue entitled, "Legalization of Medical Cannabis" which was broadcast on Salam Radio Channel, monitored from Jakarta, Tuesday, July 5.

Hamdan said that this legalization must pay attention to how several Indonesian people still often find loopholes in government policies so that there is potential for medical marijuana abuse if it is legalized.

“Loopholes are often sought so that the law can be violated. This is the issue. So, social research is an important part if marijuana products are allowed for medical purposes", he said.

If in the future the government legalizes the use of marijuana for medical purposes, Hamdan hopes that the user will be in very limited quantities and there will be very strict rules to prevent medical marijuana from being misused by other elements.

“If it is allowed, of course in a very limited amount. Then, the regulation must be strict so that people with certain medical indications can find a way out", said Hamdan.

This constitutional law expert said that there are exceptions to several narcotics so that they can be used for medical purposes in Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

However, he said, the law explicitly prohibits the use of marijuana for medical purposes but allows marijuana to be used in the development of science and technology.

"That is why any cannabis product that is included in the class one narcotics cannot be used for medical purposes", said Hamdan.