KPK Chair: 2nd ACWG Produces Audit Policy Document At G20 Summit

BALI - Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Chair, Firli Bahuri, hopes that the Second Round Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) Meeting will produce a policy document on increasing the role of audit in eradicating corruption so that it can be discussed at the G20 Summit.

Firli conveyed that increasing the role of audit in eradicating corruption is one of the priority issues proposed by Indonesia which was supported to be discussed at the high-level principle (HLP) stage by the delegation of G20 member countries at the ACWG Round 1 in Jakarta.

Therefore, he hopes that the delegates who attend in person and virtual can agree on the principles of increasing the role of audit in eradicating corruption which will be summarized in a binding policy document for G20 member countries.

"I really hope that at the end of this meeting, we can agree on a discussion on the principles of HLP and submit the document as a form of our collective work (ACWG Forum) to the leaders of the G20 member countries," said Firli Bahuri at the opening of the 2nd Round of ACWG in Badung, Bali, Antara, Tuesday, July 5.

Indonesia, represented by the KPK, proposed four priority issues at the ACWG meeting which was a series of G20 Sherpa Path meetings. So far, the ACWG has been held twice, and the second meeting took place in Badung, Bali, from July 5 to 8, 2022.

Four issues proposed by Indonesia, namely increasing audit capacity in eradicating corruption, public participation, anti-corruption education, regulatory oversight framework, supervision of legal profession regulation of money laundering proceeds of corruption/money laundering crime (TPPU), and prevention of corruption in the renewable energy sector.

ACWG Round 2 begins with a meeting discussing the issue of increasing the role of audit, especially regarding the principles that will be summarized in the policy document.

Then, two other issues, namely public participation and anti-corruption education as well as the regulatory framework for the supervision of the legal profession for money laundering offenses have not been included in the discussion of HLP principles, so Indonesia proposes that the two issues be summarized in a compendium or summary containing the experiences (best practices) of the G20 countries.

The issue of preventing corruption in the renewable energy sector has not been included in the HLP discussion, because it did not receive support from the majority of the G20 delegates, so discussions related to this issue will be summarized as background notes to be used as a reference for G20 members in future meetings.


ACWG Round 2 on July 5 to 8, 2022 was attended by G20 delegates from nine countries who attended in person and G20 delegates from 11 countries virtually.