Russia Publishes Photos And Coordinates Of White House, Pentagon And NATO Summit's Headquarters And Location, What For?

JAKARTA - The Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) published the coordinates of Western defense headquarters, including the United States' Pentagon and NATO summit venue on Tuesday, saying Western satellite operators were working for Russia's adversary, Ukraine.

Dmitry Rogozin, head of Roscosmos, told Russian news agency RIA Novosti: "The entire conglomerate of private and state orbital groups now works exclusively for our enemy."

Members of the US-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance have made no secret of the fact they are sending weapons to help Ukraine resist the Russian invasion.

US satellite imagery firm Maxar, whose clients include the US Department of Defense, has published several images that have taken over Ukraine and Russia since before the invasion began in February.

They included pictures of Russia's military build-up near Ukraine, which at the time denied any intention to attack.

"Today, the NATO summit opens in Madrid, where Western countries will declare Russia their worst enemy," Rogozin wrote on his Telegram social media channel.

"Roscosmos publishes satellite photos of the summit venues and 'decision centers' in favor of Ukrainian nationalists," he continued.

The posts include Russian satellite images of the summit venue in Madrid, the Pentagon, the White House in Washington, British government buildings in central London, the German Chancellery, the Reichstag parliament building in Berlin, NATO headquarters in Brussels, and the French President's residence and other government buildings in Paris.

"At the same time, we provide the coordinates of the object. Just in case," added Rogozin.

It is known that the coordinates, expressed as degrees of latitude and longitude, are freely available.

Russia called its invasion a "special military operation", saying it must act to protect Russian-speaking speakers from persecution and prevent NATO from using Ukraine to threaten Russia's security. Kyiv and NATO dismiss this excuse as a baseless pretext for war.