Profile Of Emirsyah Satar And Soetikno Soedarjo, Corruption Suspects In Garuda Indonesia Aircraft Procurement

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has named Emirsyah Satar, former President Director (Director) of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) in 2011-2021 as a suspect in the alleged corruption case in the procurement of the CRJ-1000 and ATR 72-600 aircraft.

Apart from Emirsyah Satar, the AGO has also named the former President Director of PT Mugi Rekso Abadi Soetikno Soedarjo as a suspect.

The Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia, Sanitiar Burhanuddin, said that the determination of the two suspects was a follow-up to the previous investigation into the alleged corruption case of PT Garuda Indonesia.

In this case, the Attorney General's Office has previously named three suspects.

They are Captain Agus Wahjudo as Executive Project Manager of Aircraft Delivery Garuda (2009-2014), Vice President Strategic Management Office 2009-2014 Period Setijo Awibowo, and Vice President Treasury Management Garuda 2005-2012 Albert Burhan.

"Monday 27 June 2022, the results of our exposure have identified two new suspects, namely ES as the President Director of PT Garuda, the second being SS as the director of PT Mugi Rekso Abadi," said Burhanuddin to reporters, Monday 27 June.

The state's total loss for corruption reached IDR 8.8 trillion.

This loss is claimed to have been caused by the procurement process for the CRJ-1000 aircraft and the takeover of the ATR 72-600 aircraft which were not carried out in accordance with fleet management procedures and SOE procurement principles, as well as business judgment rules.

Then, who are Emirsyah Satar and Soetikno Soedarjo, here are their profiles:

Soetikno Soedarjo

Citing various sources, Soetikno was born in Jakarta, on August 27, 1957. He was born to the couple Soekini and Soedarjo. Both of his parents are the founders of Sinar Harapan Daily.

In 1993, Soetikno Soedarjo together with Adiguna Sutowo and Dian M Soedarjo founded PT Mugi Rekso Abada (MRA).

MRA is a company engaged in media and entertainment.

With an investment of IDR 8 billion, Sutowo and Soetikno established a Hard Rock Cafe.

This idea came from an ordinary conversation between Sutowo, Soetikno, and Muthia Kasim.

Soetikno then created Hard Rock FM, Zoom Bar & Lounge, i-Radio, Trax FM, Brava Radio, Cosmopolitan FM, and IP Entertainment.

Emirsyah Satar

Emirsyah Satar was born in Jakarta on June 28, 1959. Satar completed his studies in 1986 at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, and started his career as an auditor at Pricewaterhouse Coopers accounting firm in 1983.

In 1985, he served as Assistant of Vice President of Corporate Banking Group Citibank.

In 2003-2005, Emirsyah became Deputy President Director of PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk.

He also served as President Director of PT Niaga Factoring Corporation.

Prior to serving as President Director of PT Garuda Indonesia, Emirsyah served as Finance Director of PT Garuda Indonesia in 2003.

Emirsyah officially served as President Director on March 22, 2005.

On December 8, 2014, he resigned from his position as President Director of Garuda Indonesia. Even though his new term of office ended on March 22, 2015.

The main reason for his resignation was because he wanted to give the new management a chance to work since the beginning of the year.