Gentlemen Must Know, These Are 5 Benefits Of Self-Improvement Creating Healthy Family Relationships

YOGYAKARTA – Self-improvement is a way to make yourself more empowered, starting with building a vision and attitude. The most important attitudes to build are self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-efficacy or belief in one's ability to act as agents of self-change.

Making yourself empowered is also often associated with building healthier personal relationships. Reported by Fatherly, Monday, June 27, a number of evidences, both scientific and expressed by psychologists or psychiatrists, are as follows: the benefits of self-improvement in the welfare of life, harmonious relationships, and happiness.

1. Self-esteem affects good communication

In research conducted two decades ago, published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, showed that fathers with high self-esteem reported significantly better communication with their children. Subsequent research has also noted that when parents have a close and positive relationship with their children, it means that children's self-confidence is much higher.

2. Self-improvement is related to the ability to be a good father

A study proves, self-improvement or self-improvement related to a man's ability to be a good father. This study was conducted in 2010 published in the journal Public Health Nursing. The study noted that young fathers realized that self-improvement, especially to continue their education, have a job, and be a positive role model for their children is an important part of being a good father.

Illustration of the benefits of self improvement in building healthy relationships (iStockphoto)

3. Fixing bad habits is a self-improvement strategy

Psychologist and author of Overcoming Parental Anxiety: Rewire Your Brain to Worry Less and Enjoy Parenting More, Debra Kaisen, Ph.D., says that improving aspects of life is an important part of being a father. Small examples, ranging from regular exercise, manage anxiety, increase knowledge, stop drinking alcohol. It is a self-development project that also affects mental health and well-being. Kaisen's recommendation, working on self-improvement allows one to be more in tune with others.

4. Conscious need to grow and develop

Michael Morris does the meditation practice every morning. The effect he felt, helped set his priorities for the day and made him more confident in making decisions. He is also more active in maintaining health, namely by exercising regularly and having an ideal body weight. He said that because he didn't want to be a lazy father, he wanted to be more active and interactive with his children.

Morris is also a chef, so he doesn't want his job to be a burden. By transforming his mind and body, he learns more about how to eat, communicate, and act as a member of society.

5. Awareness affects the way you interact and behave

A person will get into trouble if they assume all their reactions are about the attitude of the other person. In fact, the reaction is a person's conscious way of interacting. For example, your baby forgot to put the plate in its place. But you are angry because you feel disrespected or not being heard. Just because your child forgets, doesn't mean your failure to tell them.

If you don't realize how to interact well, you will more likely assume that the other person is wrong. On the other hand, Kaisen said, with self-improvement and increased awareness, a person can more effectively carry out his role instead of relying on assumptions alone.

Adds Paul Greene, Ph.D., a cognitive-behavioral therapist in New York City, when emotions are more effectively regulated, they don't damage relationships because emotions get out of hand.