Being The Host Of MXGO NTB Police Increases Supervision Of COVID-19 Prokes

MATARAM - Deputy Chief of the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police Brigadier General Ruslan Aspan emphasized that monitoring health protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 remains a priority in securing the Samota 2022 Motocross Grand Prix (MXGP) event on Sumbawa Island.

"It should be remembered again that the implementation of this activity is still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the success of security is not only judged by the safe and smooth running of the activity but also the guarantee of health protocols", said Ruslan conveying the mandate to the personnel to hold the MXGP Samota 2022 security forces in Sumbawa, Wednesday, June 22.

In this effort, Ruslan ensures that all joint personnel has their respective security duties. With careful preparation, Ruslan expects all personnel to be able to create good collaboration and remain professional and humane while on duty.

"So let's provide the best service to the community, strengthen solidarity and synergy to achieve the success of the task", he said as quoted by Antara.

The joint personnel who participated in this security came from the TNI (Indonesian Army), Police, Civil Service Police Unit, National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas), Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), and transportation services, and the government health team. However, the number of personnel on duty has decreased from the previously prepared 2,196 to 1,359 people.

Nevertheless, Ruslan said that this security would still be carried out according to the preparatory plan, namely for a week until June 28, 2022.

Security attention is directed at all stages of the activity, starting from the arrival of logistics, the arrival of the committee and the riders, and the implementation of racing on June 25-26 2022 until the return of all the completeness of the activity.

The application for the title of the MXGP Samota 2022 security force was held at the Sumbawa Besar Regent's Office Field. Ruslan and all Forkopimda officials carried out a final check of the security preparation stage.