Ladies And Gentlemen, Antam's Gold Price At Pawnshops Is Still Stagnant At The Level Of IDR 569,000 Per 0.5 Gram
JAKARTA - Today's gold price, which is sold at Pegadaian, Monday, June 20, has remained unchanged for both Antam and UBS prints.
Quoted from the official Pegadaian website, the price of Antam's 24-carat gold, the smallest size, which is 0.5 grams, is sold for IDR 569,000. Meanwhile, UBS gold of the same size was sold at a price of IDR 522,000, both of which did not change compared to the price on Sunday 19 June.
For Antam's 1 gram gold, Pegadaian sells it for IDR 1,034,000, which is still the same as yesterday's price. Meanwhile, UBS gold was sold for IDR 977,000, the same as yesterday's price.
Furthermore, Antam's 24-carat gold price with a size of 5 grams is currently priced at IDR 4,935,000, while the UBS print with the same weight is selling for IDR 4,789.000. Antam's 25-gram gold bar price today is priced at IDR 24,398,000, while Antam's 50-gram print at Pegadaian sold for IDR 48,712,000.
Meanwhile, the price of 25-gram gold bars printed by UBS is priced at IDR 23,766,000, while the 50-gram size at UBS is sold for IDR 47,433,000. For the 100-gram size, Pegadaian set the price for Antam's gold prints at IDR 97,343,000, while the same size for the UBS prints was IDR 94,827,000.
The largest gold size at Pegadaian, which is 1,000 grams, can be redeemed at a price of IDR 971,846,000 for Antam's prints, while UBS's prints are still not available.