Practice Of Ticket Brokers Appears At Jakarta Formula E Event, Police: We Will Follow Up

JAKARTA - The police will take firm action against brokering actions carried out by individuals to seek profit in the Jakarta Formula E event.

"If we later find indications of irregularities or brokering practices and so on, of course, we will follow up on them," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Grand Commissioner Komarudin to reporters, Saturday, June 4.

In addition, the committee was asked to coordinate with the police.

Thus, anticipatory steps for brokering actions can be taken.

However, Komarudin said that the current monitoring results have not found any indications of brokering practices.

"According to observations, people who come to Kemayoran already have tickets," said Komarudin

A number of touts were caught offering tickets to Formula E spectators around the official ticket exchange location at the Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

Since this morning, these touts have approached people passing by the west parking area of JIExpo Kemayoran or close to the ticket exchange location and offered tickets secretly.

The tickets offered are already in the form of physical tickets, so ticket buyers from these brokers do not need to be exchanged again at the ticket exchange counter.