Sandiaga Temporarily Step Back From Social Media To Give Empathy For Ridwan Kamil

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno decided to temporarily step back from social media as a form of empathy for the family of West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil for the disappearance of Emmeril Khan Mumtadz (Eril), Ridwan Kamil's first son.

"I am very concerned because until now the Governor of West Java is still really grieving with his son who is still in search, so I decided to stop my social media activities," said Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno at Nongsa Digital Park at the Kinema Studio Building, reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 31.

Menparekraf did hibernation from social media solely to provide space and invite all Indonesian people to pray for Eril.

In addition to giving strength to Ridwan Kamil and Athalia Ridwan Kamil so that they are given the best destiny by Allah SWT.

"Maybe later, before we leave here, I ask the Riau Islands Governor to give a prayer," said Sandiaga, who was accompanied by Riau Islands Governor Ansar Ahmad.

Sandiaga sees that there is currently a tendency for social media to be used as a sensation-seeking instrument associated with the situation experienced by Governor Ridwan Kamil.

"Therefore I follow the advice of the Press Council that we must give peace, respect, and provide privacy to the Governor of West Java so that in these very difficult times we all provide support," said Sandiaga.

Sandiaga has not decided how long he will temporarily withdraw from social media because he will first discuss with the ulama and community leaders.

"Until it is determined later, I will discuss with the ulama, our community leaders so that we can provide the best support for Mr. Emil and his family," he said.

Sandiaga is one of the ministers who is quite active on social media, especially Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok with a fairly large number of followers.

Riau Islands Governor Ansar Ahmad then led a prayer sending Al Fatihah's letter to the Governor of West Java and his family to be given fortitude in dealing with the situation where his son has not been found until now because he was missing while swimming in the Aare River, Switzerland, since Thursday (26/5).