2024 Presidential Candidates Net, PAN Monitors These 5 Names

JAKARTA - Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) opens the opportunity to nominate a presidential candidate from outside the party in the 2024 presidential election. Even though in the results of the National Working Meeting (Rakernas), PAN chose General Chairperson Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) and Soetrisno Bachir as presidential candidates.

Deputy Chairman of PAN, Yandri Susanto, said that so far his party had not decided on the name of the candidate. However, he acknowledged that there were several names on the PAN's radar to be promoted as presidential candidates.

"We can't rule out external parties. There is Anies, there is Ganjar, there is Erick, there is Ridwan Kamil, there is Khofifah", Yandri said, Tuesday, May 31.

In fact, said Yandri, these figures are often invited to internal PAN forums to convey the concept of building the nation and state in the future.

"We often invite them to the official PAN forum and we provide a forum to convey their vision and mission or their perspective on how to build this nation and country", he continued.

Yandri said that later the names included in the PAN radar will be monitored and seen which one is the best and has the chance to win. After that, an agreement was made within the internal PAN to screen the presidential candidates so that they were right on target.

"For example, if the best of all parties agrees and has a chance to win, of course PAN will participate, but PAN, God willing, will continue to monitor how the selection is carried out so that it is not wrong and on target", said Yandri.