In Order Not To Be Slanderous, The Prosecutor's Office Asks The Demonstrators To Complete Evidence Of Reporting Corruption In Baubau City Government Land Procurement

BAUBAU - The District Attorney's Office (Kejari) of Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi, responded favorably to demonstrations by a number of masses and will investigate allegations of corruption in land acquisition by the Baubau City Government for the 2020-2021 budget year.

The Head of the Intelligence Section of the Baubau Kejari, Wahyu Wibowo Saputra, said that the demonstration was a form of public participation in reporting allegations of corruption as well as monitoring development.

"We are grateful because they conveyed their aspirations. But earlier we listened to the oration only verbally regarding the alleged corruption in land acquisition held at the Baubau City Government Administration Section (Tapem) for the 2020-2021 budget year, so we have not received it in writing what do they mean by the alleged crime," he said in Baubau, Antara, Tuesday, May 31.

He said that his party had not or could accept it because it was only verbal. He said, if a protester is going to report it must contain an identity and there must be evidence so that it does not become a slander.

"If later there is a written report, then the data is also valid and the reporting party can be in the BAP to explain the report as well as expose what he said and is true, then we are ready to follow up," he said.

In addition, his party will also study what data and evidence are reported from them as reporters, because according to decree (PP) No. 48 of 2018 it is stated about community participation in alleged corruption.

Demonstrations from the so-called Youth Anti-Corruption Baubau City held a demonstration at the Baubau Mayor's Office and the District Attorney's Office under escort from the police and Civil Service Police (Satpol PP).

The action coordinator, Ilwan Saputra, in his statement of position, stated that the alleged corruption in the land acquisition of the Baubau City Government for the 2020-2021 budget year through the Head of the Tapem Section of the Baubau City Government who was in office at that time indicated that regional financial losses had reached billions of rupiah.

The irony again, he said, was that land acquisition using the regional budget sourced from taxes was allegedly misused for the benefit of greedy individuals who only sucked the proceeds of tax tribute from the public.

"Based on the results of our investigations, there are indications of fantastic budget abuse and the number of suspected regional losses of billions of rupiah," he said.

In their statement of position, they also asked the Head of the Baubau Attorney General's Office to disclose corruption cases in his jurisdiction and take firm and transparent action on any public reports that come in related to corruption cases in Baubau.

They also urged the Baubau Kejari to immediately investigate the alleged corruption in land acquisition held by the Baubau City Government Regional Secretariat Tapem for the 2020-2021 budget year. He also urged the Baubau Kejari not to play games or flirt with any complaints from the public or students.

In addition, the masses also reminded the Kejari Baubau that if they are unable to uncover cases of corruption reported by the public and what they mean, they invite them to leave Baubau because it is not useful for the area.

"If the Baubau Prosecutor's Office is playing around with this case, we will send an even larger crowd and file a complaint with the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office," he concluded.