Good News For Makassar City ASN, 13th Salary Immediately Disbursed
MAKASSAR - The Regional Finance and Assets Agency (BKAD) of the Makassar City Government, South Sulawesi, will disburse the 13th additional income or salary for the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in July.
"We are ready. However, it has only been paid in July. We will try before the children enter school," said Head of the Makassar City Government BKAD, Muh Dakhlan to reporters when contacted, reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 24.
The budget prepared for the payment of the 13th salary for ASN within the Makassar City Government is around IDR 43 billion, or almost the same as the budget for the payment of Holiday Allowance (THR) Eid al Fitr 1443 Hijriah or the amount of one month salary.
Likewise, the 50 percent Performance Allowance (tukin) which was delayed will also be paid. However, the technical disbursement, said Dakhlan, is still waiting for a request letter from each Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD), and a payment order will be made through a Mayor Regulation or Perwali.
"That (Tukin) is also included, it's in the PP (Government Regulation) and we have followed up in the form of a Perwali. Regarding the payment process, we'll have a meeting with the TPAD about the 50 percent earlier," he said.
Regarding the issue of Additional Employee Income (TPP) for ASN THR, he said, it has not been paid and will still be reunited with the Makassar Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD).
"Maybe this Friday we will have a meeting. If there is an agreement with TAPD, we will pay it all together, the TPP will also be discussed for the 13th salary," he said.
Meanwhile, government employees with a work agreement or PPPK will also receive their 13th salary. Due Commencement Starting Date (TMT) works on March 1, 2022.
"If PPPK also gets (the 13th salary) because there is a TMT, that starts on March 1 yesterday," he added.
The provision of 13 salaries for ASN is in accordance with Government Regulation (PP) Number 16 of 2022. The recipients are ASN, retirees, and other recipients such as PPPK.