First Day Of School, Sick Students And Teachers Should Not Enter, Worried About COVID-19

JAKARTA - After the 2022 Eid holiday, 100 percent face-to-face learning (PTM) will be held again on Thursday, May 12, today.

Head of the Central Jakarta Region II Education Sub-Department, Uripasih, said that his staff implemented health protocols according to government regulations.

Facilities and infrastructure for spraying disinfectants, regulating body temperature, hand sanitizers and being advised to wash hands will remain in effect for the duration of the PTM implementation.

"We are still in a pandemic, although Alhamdulillah it has decreased (the spread of cases) but we still cannot be careless," she said, Thursday, May 12.

He appealed to students and teachers with unwell body conditions, it is recommended not to go to school for a while.

"If a student or teacher is sick, it is advised not to enter (school) first," she said.

Uripasih asked all schools in the Central Jakarta Sudindik II area to monitor the health of their students to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the school environment.

"So there must be communication between the school and parents of students," she said.

Previously, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) set the school entrance schedule for students to anticipate traffic jams that were predicted to occur during the return flow of Lebaran 2022. One of the efforts made was to extend the school holiday period in the DKI Jakarta area, West Java, and Banten.

Students in the three provinces get an additional three days of school holidays and enter on Thursday, May 12.