Samsat Kelapa Dua Tangerang Reported To Metro Jaya Police For Alleged Tax Embezzlement

SERANG - Head of Mahabidik Indonesia, Moch. Ojat Sudrajat reported a complaint to the Polda Metro Jaya regarding the alleged case of vehicle tax evasion at Samsat Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency, Banten.

"Our intentions are good, we want to sit down what the problem is. Right now, it seems as if there is a bias that this problem has been resolved," said Ojat Sudrajatb in Serang, in Serang, Wednesday, April 20.

Ojat said, let the investigators carry out the investigation or legal process on the matter.

"Don't let other people claim that there are Z, A, and so on. It's as if we judge them for what they did, even though this will only be determined by investigators, not the provincial government," Ojat said, quoted by Antara.

He said, although there was already evidence and information collected from the Metro Police, the report was part of the public's participation which was protected by law.

"The corruption law does provide space for the public to make complaints," he said.

According to him, he reported the case institutionally related to the alleged criminal act of embezzlement of vehicle title transfer fees, by falsifying certificates of payment obligations for BBNKB, PKB, and SWDKLLJ at Samsat Kelapa Dua.

"What is suspected of being falsified is a notice or a tax payment assessment letter," he said.

He said, there must be law enforcement in this case. Without intending to corner someone because this is alleged to have involved three criminal acts, one was document falsification, because it was suspected that there was a double note, the original BBNk 1 payment note, and then there was also a BBNKB 2 note.

"The mode of embezzlement and omission by officials above it is suspected because it has been happening for more than three months," said Ojat.

His party is also waiting for the audit results from the Banten inspectorate although he doubts his capacity to audit the case.

"But I hope that it will be fair. At this time it is said that there is a return of IDR 6 billion, where does it come from," said Ojat.